Ordo Ab Chao. Order from Chaos. Confusion, Conflict, Corruption. Welcome to 2021 (it’s February)

In a world where ‘you can’t make this shit up’ that is the decade of the 2020s an honourable mention has come across my field of awareness. The Sun, a UK paper wrote an article about an open letter from several lockdown sceptics including lawyers, human rights activists, and a former US Air Force general …

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Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and Moderna vaccinations. Injuries and Death Tolls Begin to add up Globally. Whose Responsible?

With the rollout of the Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, and Moderna vaccines throughout the Northern Hemisphere countries, the statistics are beginning to come in about the sheer lunacy of implementing the vaccination programme on a complacent and submissive, clueless, and fearful population. In the USA, The Defender, highlighted that the CDC as of January 29, 2021, …

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Masks on the Population. Subservience and Submission. MK Ultra becomes Overtly and Globally Fashionable and Deadly.

On January 22, 2021, the World Health Organisation made the statement that there is no scientific medical reason for any healthy person to wear a mask outside of a hospital. If you don’t believe me then watch the entire broadcast in the link below and listen intently to what these Gates puppets are saying. This …

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While the Northern Hemisphere is in Turmoil, NZ is so 2019. Long May We Be So. A Roundup of the Madness.

Two people said to me in the last week that New Zealand was the world’s petri dish and that we were also the bolt hole for some of the financial and technocratic elite and therefore would be spared some of the utter lunacy that passing like waves across Europe and North America. I can see …

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The War Going on Before your Eyes. Most People can’t See it. Look Closer. There is Truth and Lies.

Mainstream media is bought and paid for. It’s owned by a small group of people who belong to think tanks, not-so-secret and secret societies and now blatantly takes Chinese Communist Party money. Some of those think tanks are well known, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, The Bilderberg Group, …

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The Less Than 1% Have Started a War to keep themselves in Power. 2020 it Began. 2021 it Continues.

If anyone thought that 2020 was a year to forget and that all would return to ‘normal’, or to be more precise, as it was in 2019, then you may need to stop medicating yourself with cognitive dissonance and wake up to the reality that the human family is under siege for a small group …

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2021. Exposing the Lies is an Opportunity for Humanity to Crush the Narrative and Trash it.

Well, what a fucking year 2020 was. The Cult that runs the shitshow we call ‘reality’, or the timeline that these empathy deleted asshats want humanity to abide by to be more precise is throwing down their end game cards in rapid fashion. The C-19 card was rehearsed in 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundations Scenarios for …

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From Lockdowns to Asymptomatic Transmissions, to Statistical Deaths showing no increase in 2020. The Scammers are having a Laugh!

Dr. David Nabarro, a Special Envoy on Covid-19 for the World Health Organization was quoted by Bruce Y. Lee in Forbes online as saying, “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus.” That statement could have cost him his career. He was working for the man …

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Hydroxychloroquine, Coronavirus Destroyer (not Covid-19 it doesn’t exist). A Threat to the Cult Agenda.

We can thank John D. Rockefeller for the introduction of global Big Pharmaceutical. The oil tycoon’s petrochemical drugs took his fortune and power to levels that few family dynasties can imagine. Consider this, the land where the United Nations was built was gifted by the Rockefeller family, and by proxy, you can see that the …

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Big Tech Censorship. The Chinese Communist Party Elite have wedded Silicon Valley Technocracy.

2020 has been a year where the Chinese Communist Elite’s money and influence on Silicon Valley have gone into overdrive. Former Attorney-General under the Trump administration, William Barr said succinctly in July 2020, Silicon Valley and Hollywood were “pawns of Chinese influence.” The Chinese Communist Party’s control and censorship over every aspect of the lives …

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