If anyone thought that 2020 was a year to forget and that all would return to ‘normal’, or to be more precise, as it was in 2019, then you may need to stop medicating yourself with cognitive dissonance and wake up to the reality that the human family is under siege for a small group of people who have bloodline ties to Sumer and Babylon Mesopotamian civilisations. They have orchestrated society since antiquity to remain in the positions of privilege and influence and they have no intention of relinquishing any of their sways now, or ever. Yet even they are motivated at the behest of members of the Galactic Federation that Haim Eshed, former head of Israel’s Defense Ministry’s space directorate disclosed to Yediot Aharonot newspaper. Humanity as a collective acquiesced in 2020 as the official narrative sent shockwaves of fear through global society, ringing the energetic dinner bell for our invisible masters as they feasted and allowed the energetic confluence being constructed to reaffirm the walls of the simulation into a greater density. Sounds esoteric, and it to a lay mind it may be, but to those who understand the nature of the game being played and the Saturn-Moon-Earth matrix in regards to the broadcasting of that simulation, it’s obvious as to why the war was started. They were losing control. I wrote extensively (channelling Harmon Sueno) in United about the Brown dwarf we know as Saturn, the hollowed-out planetoid called our Moon, and Earth and the frequency being broadcast from Saturn, the use of the ice crystals in particular formation to heighten the signal and the use of the Moon’s command centre for the Galactic Federation to harness and beam that frequency to surround the Earth and contain it within the FAKE simulation we find ourselves in. Way out shit, but if the walls come down in the next few years during this war, you will see it wasn’t so fruity, just science, and our understanding of it is limited by what we believe to be possible.
So, our first week of 2021 has seen some significant moves by these players, some horrendous consequences of their machinations on the global populace, and more information coming to light that shows the game that’s afoot. Without further delay, let’s dive in. Zero Hedge website is one of the news sources where I occasionally will peek at, more than often they sit unbiased towards any particular narrative, like any good news source they are more objective than any mainstream media anywhere. An article republished by Waking Times on 31st December 2020, summed up the depth of the lies that have to be perpetrated by the medical institutions globally to maintain the grift. 98% of influenza cases globally VANISHED in 2020. When you get up off the floor from laughing yourself off your chair, read this statement from WHO spokesperson, Dr. Sylvie Briand, who recently claimed during a press briefing that “literally there was nearly no flu in the Southern hemisphere” of the planet Earth in 2020, but gave no real explanation as to why. She then went on to extend this magical thinking saying that, “We hope that the situation will be the same in the Northern Hemisphere.” Translation – All flu-related illness is now classified as COVID.
According to CDC (The Centre for Disease Control in the USA) figures, the cumulative positive influenza test rate from late September into the week of December 19th was just 0.2%, compared to 8.7% from a year before. I might need to stop drinking this tea, I could vomit it all over my computer writing some of these facts down. I’m not only exposing the COVID lie here, I’m making myself laugh hysterically at how brazen the players orchestrating this game are. Hold tight, someone working within that bastion of integrity and morality, the Rockefeller University, said something true! Knut Wittkowski, former Head of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design at Rockefeller University, cautioned that “Influenza has been renamed COVID-19 in large part.” No shit Sherlock? Well done for coming across the aisle to where the obvious is stating to the oblivious that this is ALL a fucking sick and malicious joke. Wittkowski challenged the notion that masks and social distancing have resulted in a drop in flu cases, asserting that flu and COVID-19 viruses are “more similar than people want to acknowledge.” No mate, they are the same!
In San Diego, Chairman of Reform California, Carl DeMaio, called for an independent (not government) audit into the number of COVID cases due to the lack of flu cases in California. The fascistic Governor of California, Gavin Newsom (whose re-enactment of the reign of Nero is yet to be complete, he needs to burn down Los Angeles to ashes and then rebuild it in his image) has kept that state in lockdown for much of 2020 as a consequence of peddling the casedemic as a means to keep people safe. I have a better way to keep people safe. Lock Gavin Newsom away for the rest of his life in prison. Set California free. Job’s done.
The two vaccines that have been ‘approved’ as being effective (effective at injury and murdering people? stick with me… I’ll prove it) at combating COVID from Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca are in the news, and not to assure you of their efficacy in warding off this imaginary virus, but to show you how well they can cull people, and how wonderful it is that the vaccine companies have immunity to prosecution. In Peru, Health minister Pilar Mazzetti, who had been in contact with Bill Gates poison makers, Pfizer about the schedule of the delivery of their toxic shite (with injectable nanotech) since July 2020, but was concerned about ‘the waiving of important elements such as … jurisdictional immunity.‘ Or if there are significant injuries to those dumb enough to get this chemical cocktail of death. The World Bank (the bank of the bloodlines) was stepping in to sort out the waiver issues (can’t let that get in the way of the vaccination rollout and they need to genetically altered their human slaves) after both Argentina and Brazil voiced their concerns too.
Sonia Azevedo, 41, a mother of two who worked as a surgical assistant at the Instituto Portugues de Oncologia, a cancer hospital in Porto was found dead in her bed two days after taking the Pfizer vaccine, an Israeli man, a 75-year-old man from Beit Shean died Monday morning from a heart attack about 2 hours after receiving the vaccine (oh good it works on the elderly though cause COVID didn’t cull enough of them, oh sorry, neglect and stress didn’t kill enough of them. Excuse me, got my wires crossed). He already had a heart condition, so that makes the vaccine a wonderful bioweapon to rid the planet of those who can’t slave away and work for the Elite in the Capitol (Hunger Games Society). 5K out of 215k recipients of the Pfizer vaccine have recorded adverse health effects, or impact events. Israel has been a world leader in the vaccination rollout. They have steamrolled out a schedule that has seen 10% of their populace getting a Pfizer vaccine, the Times of Israel has also pointed out that hundreds of people have contracted COVID after vaccination. Call it what you will, it’s not a virus, it’s the compromised immune system trying to rid itself of the toxic shite injected into it. In the banana republic called the USA, thanks to the bought and paid-for lawmakers (arrest the lot, past, present tense) continue to make sure that the COVID-19 vaccine, made by Pfizer and Moderna has total immunity from liability for injury or death. It’s been that way since the Reagan Administration mind you, in 1988, vaccine makers lobbied (legally bribed) the government to alleviate their liability, The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was established as a consequence.
With the farcical nature of the STOLEN election from incumbent President, Donald Trump in the USA, there are mutterings that the completely worthless PCR-RT test will have its amplifications reduced to 15 – 20 x under the Biden Administration and therefore ‘save’ the country from the Dark Winter promised by health technocrats last year. With a reduction in the CT or cycle thresholds, viral samples will not be able to be cultured, for they will be dead, which isn’t actually true, what these tests are looking for is an RNA pattern, not a disease. Hence they are completely worthless. Yes, you read it here, but I’ve posted a link with multiple articles within that link showing you the science behind the PCR-RT test.
With the rollout of the Moderna, Pfizer, and Astra-Zeneca vaccines (with many others in the pipeline) Apps for Vaccine Passports will be available in early 2021. These invasive technological surveillance applications will show your vaccination status and testing results (before and after vaccinations). The Commons Project and the World Economic Forum created the Common Trust Network, which developed the CommonPass app that’s intended to act as a health passport soon so you can attend events, go shopping, and travel by public transport domestically and internationally. How about fuck off? No? Oh, if you don’t have a smartphone, then you will be given a ‘smart card’ that will serve the same function as the Orwellian app. No, how about STILL fuck off? Welcome to the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
https://www.wakingtimes.com/mysterious-disappearance-of-flu-in-san-diego-prompted-call-for-audit-of-covid-records/ Flu season no longer exists, EVERY respiratory illness is COVID.
https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/great-2020-seasonal-fluinfluenza-disappearing-act FLU? What’s that? We only have COVID around here mate!
https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/epidemiologist-says-influenza-cases-are-being-counted-covid-19 Epidemiologist at Rockefeller University sees the light… YES it’s a fucking scam.
https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/peru-slams-pfizer-over-legal-immunity-covid-vaccine-side-effects Peru asks an important question. Whose going to pay for all the suing that’s going to happen with vaccine injury and death? Oh yes… the WORLD BANK will sort it out. How compassionate.
The two vaccines that have been ‘approved’ as being effective (effective at injury and murdering people? stick with me… I’ll prove it) at combating COVID from Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca are in the news, and not to assure you of their efficacy in warding off this imaginary virus, but to show you how well they can cull people, and how wonderful it is that the vaccine companies have immunity to prosecution. In Peru, Health minister Pilar Mazzetti, who had been in contact with Bill Gates poison makers, Pfizer about the schedule of the delivery of their toxic shite (with injectable nanotech) since July 2020, but was concerned about ‘the waiving of important elements such as … jurisdictional immunity.‘ Or if there is significant injuries to those dumb enough to get this chemical cocktail of death.
https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/portuguese-nurse-dies-suddenly-after-receiving-covid-vaccine Sad story, but one of many. My heart goes out her family.
https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/israeli-man-dies-after-receiving-covid-vaccine-5k-health-impact-events-reported-us Killing yourself to live. The CULL continues
https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/hundreds-israelis-get-infected-covid-after-receiving-pfizer-vaccine-amid-frenzied Israel is much like China in its authoritarian style surveillance and control of its populace. Read the last part of the article to discover more.
https://www.collective-evolution.com/2020/12/27/doctor-explains-whats-wrong-with-covid-19-case-counts/ A CASEDEMIC is being used worldwide to enforce the destruction of livelihoods and economies for the less than 1% to create a dependent serfdom. WAKE UP. REVOLT AND STOP FUCKING COMPLYING
https://www.wakingtimes.com/if-the-covid-vaccine-injures-you-you-cant-sue-anyone-probably-not-even-the-govt/ I’ll never get a jab for anything ever again in my embodied life. EVER.
https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/fda-admits-pcr-tests-give-false-results-prepares-ground-biden-virus-rescue-miracle Uncle Joe to the rescue (what a crock of shit)
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/01/05/apps-now-being-developed-for-global-vaccine-passport.aspx?ui=99b2d7acbc003459f6bebd6231de3492ea09c385f42ac0c44453cc877c7f24a7&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art2HL&cid=20210105_HL2&mid=DM758561&rid=1051398302 The World Economic Forum’s on the CASE for monitoring your EVERY move and making sure you’re vaccinated against an imaginary virus with their implantable toxic shit injectables.