While the Northern Hemisphere is in Turmoil, NZ is so 2019. Long May We Be So. A Roundup of the Madness.

Two people said to me in the last week that New Zealand was the world’s petri dish and that we were also the bolt hole for some of the financial and technocratic elite and therefore would be spared some of the utter lunacy that passing like waves across Europe and North America. I can see …

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The War Going on Before your Eyes. Most People can’t See it. Look Closer. There is Truth and Lies.

Mainstream media is bought and paid for. It’s owned by a small group of people who belong to think tanks, not-so-secret and secret societies and now blatantly takes Chinese Communist Party money. Some of those think tanks are well known, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, The Bilderberg Group, …

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The Artificial Intelligence Tyranny of the Archontic Empire on Earth is Rising out of the Underground Bases and into Society.

With the introduction of smart technology in the early 21st century, the advent of Artificial Intelligence began its incremental tiptoe into global society. The Pleiadians who the trance channel Barbara Marciniak has worked with since 1988 say that they have come from a future timeline, from their galactic home in the Pleiades star cluster where an AI tyranny that originated on …

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Galactic Saviours and Ascended Masters. Psyops on Humanity. Only You can Save you from what’s Coming.

When Helena Petrovna Hahn or Helena Blavatsky published Isis Unveiled in 1877 the occult world was exposed to society, and its covert machinations became an open secret. It was her meeting with Mahatma (a Sanskrit word meaning ‘great soul’, which took the title ascended master) Koot Hoomi or Kuthumi and his letters to A. P. Sinnett and …

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The Foolish Four vs the Fabulous Four. The Former are Idiots the Latter Paragons of Intelligence.

So today is the 21st of January, 2021. The United States of America is a day behind and therefore it’s 20th January there. Today the global elite and the Chinese Communist Party have finally gotten their wish. They have invaded, and overtaken the USA and installed a complete bozo, pedophile, and serial sex offender who …

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Fascism and Insanity meet in the Middle. The War on Animal Husbandry under the Premise of COVID.

As David Icke said famously many years ago, the world is mad. Completely batshit bonkers. It’s also run by humans that no longer are human, they either have artificial intelligence running them like a biological computer (empathy deleted) or they are possessed by entities from lower astral realms (empathy deleted). The levels of cruelty to animals by …

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‘Do As I Say Not As I Do’. Hypocrisy is just a way of life for the Less Than 1%. Machinations of Oligarchs exposed.

It seems that that paragon of human society has been out of the limelight too long. I’m talking about the world authority on the ‘magic virus’ Bill Gates. Not only did he warn the planet about the glaringly obvious (to him) fact that a coronavirus pandemic could sweep over the planet causing huge amounts of suffering and …

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The Less Than 1% Have Started a War to keep themselves in Power. 2020 it Began. 2021 it Continues.

If anyone thought that 2020 was a year to forget and that all would return to ‘normal’, or to be more precise, as it was in 2019, then you may need to stop medicating yourself with cognitive dissonance and wake up to the reality that the human family is under siege for a small group …

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Covering their Tracks? Not Well Enough for the Critical Mind. Truth Will Always Find a Way.

Frances Leader created an email exchange with UK MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) in the United Kingdom over their approval of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine after discovering a Wuhan study in Feb 2020 where monkey kidney & fetal cell-lines which were used as a “culture” before rt-PCR amplification to ‘identify’ the genome sequence …

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Ivermectin. An Anti-Parasitic Drug for an Influenza Virus? Is COVID a Virus? Or an Activated Parasite?

When I began to look at the findings of the use of Ivermectin for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) referring to regularly taking medication before being infected by Covid, to prevent or minimize infection, and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), medication which is taken after exposure but before symptoms appear, I was initially dumbfounded. An excerpt from the www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov website with the …

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