The Covid Distraction is also a Consciousness Harvesting for…

Those of us able to critically think, who’ve been able to piece together information around the timelines for this ‘globally manufactured crisis’ and see the events around its initial media outbreak, have also seen the censorship take precedence (in accord with the principles of Event 201, if you dig a little deeper still) to the …

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Prioritising what’s important. The Great Reset (not Klaus Scwhab’s).

Whose Klaus Schwab? You ask that question and you’ve been caught in the COVID 19 distraction, and its reverberations throughout the global society. The two are interlinked, Klaus Schwab is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, you know the one that meets at Davos every year to openly discuss how to get …

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Tattoos. A Spiritual Technology

My friend who got introduced me to RomiRomi told me that the practitioner, Sarah Cotter had told him that tattoos were a spiritual technology. This information gave me a new understanding of what I already consider to a form of esoteric/biological/integrative reference for my conscious awareness encapsulated in my genetic spacesuit. I look at my tattoos as …

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