I hear you LOUD and clear : Part Three

In my experience, part of the spiritual processes of evolving beyond the limitations that are bestowed upon us by our parents, peers, and society comes with terms and conditions. One of those tenets is, whatever no longer works for you will be scythed out of your life when it no longer serves you, like it …

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I hear you LOUD and clear : Part Two

I had finished work in the early afternoon of a late spring day and gone into the Flight Centre in Kilbernie Wellington, to talk about booking my flights, and create my travel itinerary. Attempting to get to Central/South American once before in 2001 from Vancouver, had failed (that’s a tale for my autobiography, and it’s …

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I hear you LOUD and clear : Part One

I have never been a full-time creative imaginist who spends hours banging out books. I have had to hold down jobs that have allowed me to forge my path, employing a book cover designer, an editor/proofreader, web designers, animators (for the book trailers for Entwined/United), creative video producers/directors (both of which I am too) and …

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Sanctum : A Love Story

The fever that gripped me for two weeks after my possession cooled after the textbooks were filled. Yet my poetic heart blossomed, and I spent my nights composing poems for muses that came into the bars I worked in around the world. Romances and lovers came along with my gifts, and I gratefully accepted every …

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Tales of the Tormented : Part Three

My body paced throughout the house that late afternoon. No one was home as it stormed through the bedrooms, revolt spilling from my pores and infecting the environment like a pungent stench. Scott eventually came back home and when he did I walked towards him and in a moment of overpowering I bleated out on …

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Tales of the Tormented : Part Two

Had I known at the time that my girlfriend was clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairaudient, and a powerful intuitive because of these abilities I may have listened to her. Our relationship had recalibrated by the time I had gone on a double date with Scott, Pip, and Orna to see a movie at the Metropolis Theatre in …

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Tales of the Tormented : Part One

It was in the early 1990s that the faucet of my literary spring was turned back on after an incident in an apartment in Dunedin. The four-bedroom apartment was in the centre of the city, at the south-eastern side of the Octagon (central city square). It was the top level of the three-story building, a …

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a poet finds his voice…

I was thirteen years old when I wrote my first short story. It was an assignment given to my English class. My tale of an Inuit girl who saw a bird (for the first time) then had followed it onto the arctic ice, got lost and died spoke hugely of my life experience up to …

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