Inhale, Exhale, Repeat until Dead. Presence of Heart over Mind.

The government’s enforced house arrest is all but over for me. My other job (when I’m not writing, researching, producing book trailers, doing voiceovers, editing, proofreading, and dealing with taxation departments and ebook platforms in the USA) is a trade, and I’m allowed to go work on the building site that me and builders, engineers, electricians, and …

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Cognitive dissonance : Introducing Horacio Bifkin, Mexican madman.

During solitary confinement, what was the global smackdown, that has played itself out during the plandemic I had some friends who were buying into the fear portrayed in the media in ways that were crippling their sense of being. So, I decided to make the most of this strange and ridiculous situation and began to send Whatsapp messages to these …

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A Flickering Light Called Fate : A Poetic Verse of Reflection on a Relationship.

I have just finished a small book of poetry writing with Iho Grace, whose poetic tones matched my own. The book is a reflection on my relationship of two years which ended in January of this year. My muse, my former paramour, Inge Laan. The book is called A Flickering light Called Fate, and it’s written in three parts. Rhapsody, Reconcile, and Rekindle. It’s the first …

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Digital Book Burning is Upon us. Down the Memory Hole with You.

Part of creating the Oho Ake Books publishing and the creative universe was to get as much exposure for the work as possible. Naturally, given the market for ebooks, I would want to find a platform on the internet that would allow me to have the largest distribution across the planet, with numerous retail sellers (not just Amazon …

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Putting a Name to the Ability.

I have always had a strong sense of CLAIRCOGNIZANCE or Intuitive knowing. I didn’t really understand this form of mystical intuitive ability till I took the Gigi Young courses that introduce you to the various forms of psychic intelligence that one can re-ignite in their lives. All clairs (which is French for clear) are latent …

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Book Trailers : Where Visual Media and Literary Synopsises Merge.

In 2008 I was told by spirit to make book trailers when such forms of media and marketing were non-existent, or in their fledgling status. The concept of visualising a book synopsis felt more like creating a showreel for feature films or television series. With the help of Preston McNeil at Executive Beige and sound engineer James Jackson, I conceptualised, created, produced, directed, …

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Warrior with a Poetic Heart, Shining a Light, Facing the Dark.

Setting very strong boundaries has been an issue for me my entire life experience in this body. I grew up in a home where violence was a daily occurrence. My father was verbally and physically abusive, his raging anger and alcoholism had a better marriage than both his other two marital contracts ever did. As a consequence of this, …

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Oho Ake, Rise Up, Awaken… NOW

The system of planetary control has become overt. What is being played out on a global stage is a fake plandemic, but the consequences felt by the populace are real. The term lockdown in the prison vernacular, is an experience where all prisoners are confined to their cells after a disturbance in the facility. This …

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Where do the Ideas for the Books I Write come from?

This is a multi-dimensional question for me to answer. Conscious awakening has allowed me to perceive infinite possibilities manifesting on an infinite number of timelines all existing at once. I allow five voices, all different characters to write through me, each observing their interpretation of reality. Harmon Sueno delves into the realms where mythos and truth are the same. Pablo Wairua, heralds …

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Shamanic Dreaming My Way Through Existence

In February this year, I did a day course, an introduction into Shamanic Dreaming, at the request of a very intuitive healer and practicing Shamanic Dreamer. She told me to ‘fill your boots.’ I did that and more. Imagination was the key element to making this experience enriching, and as an imaginist, you would have believed …

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