A Quarter of 2021 is Almost Over. The Collective Shadow Exposed For Those With Eyes to See. Part Two: Pimping The Narrative, Censoring Facts.

If a critical thinker was to examine the ‘war game’ called SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 or the high-level pandemic exercise called Event 201, which was played out in New York in October 2019, then they would see that an essential detail of these simulations was that both exercises used censorship so that the official narratives could …

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The War Going on Before your Eyes. Most People can’t See it. Look Closer. There is Truth and Lies.

Mainstream media is bought and paid for. It’s owned by a small group of people who belong to think tanks, not-so-secret and secret societies and now blatantly takes Chinese Communist Party money. Some of those think tanks are well known, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, The Bilderberg Group, …

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Putting a Name to the Ability.

I have always had a strong sense of CLAIRCOGNIZANCE or Intuitive knowing. I didn’t really understand this form of mystical intuitive ability till I took the Gigi Young courses that introduce you to the various forms of psychic intelligence that one can re-ignite in their lives. All clairs (which is French for clear) are latent …

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