The Fake Alien Invasion Threat. The Next Card in Control Systems Deck.

On 6/9/2020 I wrote a blog post called Asteroid Strike or Fake Alien Invasion 2020? in which I detailed how Paperclip Nazi scientist Werner Von Braun, the head of the Apollo program that took the Americans to the moon had told Carol Rosin about a four tenet lie towards weaponising space. The final stage of …

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A Quarter of 2021 is Almost Over. The Collective Shadow Exposed For Those With Eyes to See. Part One: The Vatican, Child Abuse and the Stolen Election

So we are almost a quarter into 2021. Exposing the collective shadow of society is part of what my work is about, it’s detailed in some of the books I have written, and as well as blogs. Looking into the abyss isn’t for the faint of heart, and though I do so, I do so …

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Billionaires Keep Getting Richer in 2021 and Enact the Cult Agenda. From Transhumanism to Biotech.

While the world continues to be under the spell of the COVID distraction and the STOLEN USA election, The World Economic Forum met to play Earth Catan and remind themselves just how special they are. They would have you believe that they are the new feudal overlords, a 21st century landed gentry, and that ‘we …

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Big Tech Censorship. The Chinese Communist Party Elite have wedded Silicon Valley Technocracy.

2020 has been a year where the Chinese Communist Elite’s money and influence on Silicon Valley have gone into overdrive. Former Attorney-General under the Trump administration, William Barr said succinctly in July 2020, Silicon Valley and Hollywood were “pawns of Chinese influence.” The Chinese Communist Party’s control and censorship over every aspect of the lives …

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