Voices For Freedom. Aotearoa / New Zealand’s Freedom Keepers Against Jacinda Ardern’s Led Tyranny.

In the country of my birth unlike many countries in the Northern Hemisphere, especially Europe, we have a lifestyle that resembles life before the global health crisis (there is no health crisis, its’s FAKE) of 2020 happened. Many would say that the extreme measures our country took, locking down the borders, locking up the populace …

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Contactee, Consciously Creative, Visionary. My Spiritual Awakening That Lead me to Write. Part Four: Redgate Beach and Interdimensionals beings.

At the beginning of 1998, I had travelled across the Australian continent (hitchhiking) and made my way down to Esperance. From here I met a girl from Queensland called Cynthia who I would travel and become lovers with for three weeks around southwestern Australia. We weaved inland and back out to the coast until one …

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Billy G is not my Brother he’s just a Nerd that thinks that he’s the One, but he ain’t here to save the World son.

If there is one polarising figure during the scamdemic that has been played on the global population since its conception in 2019 it’s Bill Gates. After being vilified for his lack of scruples in 2002 during the Microsoft antitrust case, he reinvented himself as a philanthropist, seemingly donating large amounts of his wealth to the …

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Did CERN’s Large Hadron Collider begin the overlay of the Eighth Sphere on our reality in 2012?

The Austrian scholar, mystic, and genius Rudolf Steiner, who was the German head of the Theosophy Society before creating Anthroposophy revealed in great detail the nature of one of the mystery schools best-kept secrets, The Eighth Sphere. The translations from german into English are detailed and thorough, and reading them is like deciphering a code …

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It’s Not A Vaccine. It’s a Lethal Injection. The Covid-19 Vaccine Lie.

In Los Barrios, Spain, 46 residents in The Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary) nursing home of 145 residents have died after taking Pfizer’s first inoculation against COVID-19. A further 28 residents and 18 staff members had tested positive for the magic virus after their shots. As a consequence, these lethal injections were …

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Billionaires Keep Getting Richer in 2021 and Enact the Cult Agenda. From Transhumanism to Biotech.

While the world continues to be under the spell of the COVID distraction and the STOLEN USA election, The World Economic Forum met to play Earth Catan and remind themselves just how special they are. They would have you believe that they are the new feudal overlords, a 21st century landed gentry, and that ‘we …

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Ordo Ab Chao. Order from Chaos. Confusion, Conflict, Corruption. Welcome to 2021 (it’s February)

In a world where ‘you can’t make this shit up’ that is the decade of the 2020s an honourable mention has come across my field of awareness. The Sun, a UK paper wrote an article about an open letter from several lockdown sceptics including lawyers, human rights activists, and a former US Air Force general …

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While the Northern Hemisphere is in Turmoil, NZ is so 2019. Long May We Be So. A Roundup of the Madness.

Two people said to me in the last week that New Zealand was the world’s petri dish and that we were also the bolt hole for some of the financial and technocratic elite and therefore would be spared some of the utter lunacy that passing like waves across Europe and North America. I can see …

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2021. Exposing the Lies is an Opportunity for Humanity to Crush the Narrative and Trash it.

Well, what a fucking year 2020 was. The Cult that runs the shitshow we call ‘reality’, or the timeline that these empathy deleted asshats want humanity to abide by to be more precise is throwing down their end game cards in rapid fashion. The C-19 card was rehearsed in 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundations Scenarios for …

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Misfeasance Lawsuits against Public Officials? NO Malfeasance. Where are Cases? Why is no one Suing?

Law is meant to be difficult for those not schooled within the system. The creation of the language legalese comes from when the Roman empire made their subjugated countries uses the Roman legal system, which most adopted after the empire was in the annals of history. So Latin is used widely within the legal system, and in …

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