The Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni. A Later Date Temple Beautiful? Or A Slaughterhouse?

The other night I was watching one of my favourite comedy shows, Ancient Aliens, where the presenters chock up all kinds of terrestrial occurrences to off-world civilisations, some ridiculous, others completely ridiculous. They never mention the high civilisations that existed in previous epochs or ages, the most familiar to most people being Atlantis and Lemuria, nor …

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3 Reasons Why Heart-Based Living is Revolutionary and Will Change the Paradigm of Reality Forever.

Fear has been the currency of control of the global human populace for eons. In my blog post, We Live in a Simulation. Sound (Words and Frequencies) Can Change your DNA. You Have the Power To Transform Your Experience I concur with David Icke saying that fear is the energetic source that self-perpetuates the walls …

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We Live in a Simulation. Sound (Words and Frequencies) Can Change your DNA. You Have the Power To Transform Your Experience.

In 2001, Dr. Nick Bostrom, a Swedish philosopher at Oxford University, wrote his simulation argument, which posited some interesting concepts about the nature of reality, but the most popular of the three posits being that we live in a simulation. David Icke wrote in Tales from the Time Loop in 2003, after taking Ayahuasca in …

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