Oho Ake Books: The Back End. What You don’t See that Happens Behind the Curtain! Part One: Promising Origins, Lack of Impetus.

Interspersed between the more topical blog posts that I have been writing, I also want to share more personal processes as much as anecdotal stories about myself and my struggles with finding a balance between being creative and holding down a daily hustle. I’ve always been a dabbler (someone who puts in a few hours, weeks, or …

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Big Tech Censorship. The Chinese Communist Party Elite have wedded Silicon Valley Technocracy.

2020 has been a year where the Chinese Communist Elite’s money and influence on Silicon Valley have gone into overdrive. Former Attorney-General under the Trump administration, William Barr said succinctly in July 2020, Silicon Valley and Hollywood were “pawns of Chinese influence.” The Chinese Communist Party’s control and censorship over every aspect of the lives …

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Lifting my head above the parapet

When I began writing in 2008, the message was clear; let the information, the stories, the characters be the public faces of Oho Ake Books, you (that’s me) stay behind the curtain and dish up the material, spin the narrative and just enjoy the unfolding wonder. Yeah, that worked well… In the years preceding the …

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