Facebook. Censoring Free Speech, But Allowing Human Trafficking. This Platform Must Be Shut Down.

On June 17, 2021, Zero Hedge published an article showing that social media platforms are being used to solicit sex trafficking and prostitution, with the overwhelming majority of this behaviour happening on Facebook. Human Trafficking Institute’s 2020 Federal Human Trafficking Report data showed that 59% of the sex recruitment online was made directly through the platform. The …

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Letting Go in Order for Consciousness to Rise. Choose Between Love and Fear. Transhumanism and Organic Life.

Over the last year, I have spent countless hours exposing the official narrative of the health crisis and shown its ties to the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and UN Agenda 21/2030. Cognitive Dissonance is at a historical high for many people even in the face of some of the world’s leading virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, …

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Telling The Truth is Now a Revolutionary Act. Welcome to Aotearoa/NewZealand’s Soft Tyranny.

I’ve had the kind of few days that make you wonder if you went to sleep in March 2020 and woke up in May 2020 to a socialist-led government running what once was a democracy via stealth. Some will consider what I write here to be conspiratorial, showing the inversion is alive and well in …

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Informed Medical Consent? Not Up For Debate. The Health Crisis Distraction. Look Here, While The Less Than 1% Enslave, Murder and Maim.

Youtube censorship is alive and well. Some of the posts I was going to share from that platform today for this blog (to link up to the information for you to discern for yourself) have been banned. I will continue, using other websites that still have the clips that allow you, the reader to watch …

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The Health Crisis That Isn’t. Global Socialism Via a Police State and Narrative Control Implantable Technology. Welcome to UN Agenda 2030. The Great Reset.

On February 14th, 2021 Peter Hitchens wrote an opinion piece for The Daily Mail online titled, We DID have a sensible Covid plan… but copied a police state instead. Hitchens has been a voice of reason in the mainstream media of the UK, which has like many European countries become fascist. Hitchens is more succinct …

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Voices For Freedom. Aotearoa / New Zealand’s Freedom Keepers Against Jacinda Ardern’s Led Tyranny.

In the country of my birth unlike many countries in the Northern Hemisphere, especially Europe, we have a lifestyle that resembles life before the global health crisis (there is no health crisis, its’s FAKE) of 2020 happened. Many would say that the extreme measures our country took, locking down the borders, locking up the populace …

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PCR Swabs. Nasal or Anal? Nanotech Delivered into your Intestine or your Cribriform plate (into your brain)

Mark Twain is quoted as saying, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” This quote is so applicable in society today and boy oh boy has the truth become STRANGE. Let’s jump right on in, cause this blog post is going to show some …

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It’s Not A Vaccine. It’s a Lethal Injection. The Covid-19 Vaccine Lie.

In Los Barrios, Spain, 46 residents in The Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary) nursing home of 145 residents have died after taking Pfizer’s first inoculation against COVID-19. A further 28 residents and 18 staff members had tested positive for the magic virus after their shots. As a consequence, these lethal injections were …

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Ordo Ab Chao. Order from Chaos. Confusion, Conflict, Corruption. Welcome to 2021 (it’s February)

In a world where ‘you can’t make this shit up’ that is the decade of the 2020s an honourable mention has come across my field of awareness. The Sun, a UK paper wrote an article about an open letter from several lockdown sceptics including lawyers, human rights activists, and a former US Air Force general …

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The War Going on Before your Eyes. Most People can’t See it. Look Closer. There is Truth and Lies.

Mainstream media is bought and paid for. It’s owned by a small group of people who belong to think tanks, not-so-secret and secret societies and now blatantly takes Chinese Communist Party money. Some of those think tanks are well known, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, The Bilderberg Group, …

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