Transmutation Through Creative Expression. How I Became the Men in All my Novels. Healing The Shadow by Writing About my Ancestral Wounds. Part Two.

As the unravelling of Entwined had almost come to its bittersweet ending I brought Pablo Wairua into the fold. This young mestizo (I don’t consider that terminology as derogative) man was the embodiment of the traditional Pacific cultures coursing through my veins. My father’s father’s mother was Taranaki Maori and my father’s mother was Samoan, …

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Oho Ake Books: The Back End. What You don’t See that Happens Behind the Curtain! Part One: Promising Origins, Lack of Impetus.

Interspersed between the more topical blog posts that I have been writing, I also want to share more personal processes as much as anecdotal stories about myself and my struggles with finding a balance between being creative and holding down a daily hustle. I’ve always been a dabbler (someone who puts in a few hours, weeks, or …

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Warrior with a Poetic Heart, Shining a Light, Facing the Dark.

Setting very strong boundaries has been an issue for me my entire life experience in this body. I grew up in a home where violence was a daily occurrence. My father was verbally and physically abusive, his raging anger and alcoholism had a better marriage than both his other two marital contracts ever did. As a consequence of this, …

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I hear you LOUD and clear PART Five

With the advent of the processes and the people in place that would make up the integral publishing structure of Oho Ake Books Limited, the creative direction began to formulate in my mind. With this assimilation, information began to make itself known to me clearly and precisely. Whether you could call it clairaudience or claircognizance …

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I hear you LOUD and clear : Part Two

I had finished work in the early afternoon of a late spring day and gone into the Flight Centre in Kilbernie Wellington, to talk about booking my flights, and create my travel itinerary. Attempting to get to Central/South American once before in 2001 from Vancouver, had failed (that’s a tale for my autobiography, and it’s …

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