The Internet, CERN, Arihman, Steiner and AI. We Were Warned.

Not long ago I began to have cognizant moments that kicked off a whole bunch of synchronistic truths for me. In 2019, I heard the musings of a darkly sardonic and hunourous voice in my head, that being one Dick Swabb, a part of my multidimensional existence. I began to fuse together information provided in Dr.Joseph …

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The Moron Evacuation 2020 : Where’s Thanos when you need him? A Satirical post from Dick Swabb.

It’s Pha’s birthday so he’s busy pampering and nurturing his body and soul, and so I’ve come snuck in to have a blast on the keyboard. I haven’t written any more of the novel I started, Rigmarole since the house arrest under the socialist government of New Zealand finished and they let us loose from our panic …

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When Life Swallows all Creative Expression. Existing is All We Can Do.

An eloquent and powerful message was shared from a question and answer session from Gigi Young’s member’s section of her website for me (and for many others too) last week. It summed up why I have been personally on the end of some immoral behaviour from people that I have associated with over the last six months …

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Holding the Space to Let the Story Unspool in Your Heart and Mind. The Art of Being in the Void.

In my writing process, I will often take nights, days, and weeks away from a narrative of a novel so it can formulate for me. Holding down a very physical day job means that I’m reluctant to come home and write at night. I wrote Sanctum (2nd edition) in a blur of nights, over months of toiling away as it flowed …

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Researching Leads to Understanding. Choices Come Next.

Part of my writing process is in-depth research. Deepening on whose writing through me, what I’m writing, whether its poetry, a horror/macabre/erotic dark fantasy short story, an inspiring, heartfelt emotive tale or a conglomeration of occult knowledge, science fiction, fantasy, conscious awakening, galactic magical realism, I’ll have to spend hours reading, discovering, and downloading into my being a plethora of facts to compile a book. It’s perhaps the …

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Putting a Name to the Ability.

I have always had a strong sense of CLAIRCOGNIZANCE or Intuitive knowing. I didn’t really understand this form of mystical intuitive ability till I took the Gigi Young courses that introduce you to the various forms of psychic intelligence that one can re-ignite in their lives. All clairs (which is French for clear) are latent …

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Staring at the Sun, Casting a Shadow…

My experience of house arrest (global smackdown) has been revelatory as much as it has been incredibly difficult. Initially, I felt disillusioned that this obvious plandemic hoax could be played out on an acquiescing populace so easily, and also globally. Having a loss of personal freedom, with the Police Commissioner in this country-sounding more like Heinrich Muller, the …

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The Spool Unwinds, Wait, There’s More…

During my morning meditation, I had a MASSIVE download. The gist of the message was ‘no so fast sucker! there’s more where that information came from and you ain’t seen nothing yet! You want to join the dots on this, then you have to read this…’Elana Freeland, Under an Ionized Sky. ‘ Here’s an introduction of the …

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