Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and Moderna vaccinations. Injuries and Death Tolls Begin to add up Globally. Whose Responsible?

With the rollout of the Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, and Moderna vaccines throughout the Northern Hemisphere countries, the statistics are beginning to come in about the sheer lunacy of implementing the vaccination programme on a complacent and submissive, clueless, and fearful population. In the USA, The Defender, highlighted that the CDC as of January 29, 2021, …

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The Artificial Intelligence Tyranny of the Archontic Empire on Earth is Rising out of the Underground Bases and into Society.

With the introduction of smart technology in the early 21st century, the advent of Artificial Intelligence began its incremental tiptoe into global society. The Pleiadians who the trance channel Barbara Marciniak has worked with since 1988 say that they have come from a future timeline, from their galactic home in the Pleiades star cluster where an AI tyranny that originated on …

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