The Quantum Eraser Experiment, Time Crystals and CERN’s Control of Anti-Matter. Changing the Past, Changing the Yuga Cycle and That Secret Weapons Program.

This blog is going to be a complete mind bender to those who aren’t familiar with quantum mechanics. What do the quantum eraser experiment, Google’s creation of time-crystals in quantum computer and CERN’s capture of anti-matter have to do with each other? As as imaginist, I often let information come into my mind, and then …

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As above so below. Macro and Micro. Humanity and the Quantum Coherence of Consciousness.

Ordo Ab Chao. Order out of Chaos. This is the motto of the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry. Our planetary civilisation is in turmoil, divide and rule are splitting humanity into warring factions. The politically correct have become violent, a manufactured global crisis, overtly controlled by a gofer billionaire for the hidden hands behind the curtain …

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Lifting my head above the parapet

When I began writing in 2008, the message was clear; let the information, the stories, the characters be the public faces of Oho Ake Books, you (that’s me) stay behind the curtain and dish up the material, spin the narrative and just enjoy the unfolding wonder. Yeah, that worked well… In the years preceding the …

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