Why Walking the Line Between Shadow and Soul Makes You a Poultice For Transmutation and a Menace to the Unconscious.

Since I decided to take my awareness into my heart and move into life from this point of attention I have encountered some of the worst behaviour from what Bill Hicks called ‘fevered egos’ daily. Personal development and growth aren’t lost on me as I see these challenges as opportunities. Everyone who has gaslit me …

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As above so below. Macro and Micro. Humanity and the Quantum Coherence of Consciousness.

Ordo Ab Chao. Order out of Chaos. This is the motto of the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry. Our planetary civilisation is in turmoil, divide and rule are splitting humanity into warring factions. The politically correct have become violent, a manufactured global crisis, overtly controlled by a gofer billionaire for the hidden hands behind the curtain …

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Integration and Assimilation. A Continuing Process Made Real.

It’s been an age since I’ve blogged, and with good reason. The process of assimilation of what has been changing, leaving, manifesting, anchoring into my being, my heart, my life experience has been so intense that I needed to simply be grounded in action. There is a Gurdjieff methodology to how I was to integrate into the …

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When Life Swallows all Creative Expression. Existing is All We Can Do.

An eloquent and powerful message was shared from a question and answer session from Gigi Young’s member’s section of her website for me (and for many others too) last week. It summed up why I have been personally on the end of some immoral behaviour from people that I have associated with over the last six months …

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An abundance of dramas. When the flow is damned. Stop and not go.

Since early January this yea,r I have encountered an abundance of dramas. None of which were created by me. I have had opportunities to react to these experiences as a conscious individual, heart open, being kind, compassionate, gentle as possible in sometimes very hostile moments. It has come to a point where I am questioning whether my …

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Inhale, Exhale, Repeat until Dead. Presence of Heart over Mind.

The government’s enforced house arrest is all but over for me. My other job (when I’m not writing, researching, producing book trailers, doing voiceovers, editing, proofreading, and dealing with taxation departments and ebook platforms in the USA) is a trade, and I’m allowed to go work on the building site that me and builders, engineers, electricians, and …

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Where do the Ideas for the Books I Write come from?

This is a multi-dimensional question for me to answer. Conscious awakening has allowed me to perceive infinite possibilities manifesting on an infinite number of timelines all existing at once. I allow five voices, all different characters to write through me, each observing their interpretation of reality. Harmon Sueno delves into the realms where mythos and truth are the same. Pablo Wairua, heralds …

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When Stars Collide

A deeper understanding of my energetic origins has come through the value of human connection. In this embodiment, we call human life, consciousness uses the lens of the human body to perceive this dense frequency band, interpreting and decoding information. Through our senses we begin can experience much, but through our subtler bodies attached to …

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I hear you LOUD and clear : Part Two

I had finished work in the early afternoon of a late spring day and gone into the Flight Centre in Kilbernie Wellington, to talk about booking my flights, and create my travel itinerary. Attempting to get to Central/South American once before in 2001 from Vancouver, had failed (that’s a tale for my autobiography, and it’s …

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