The Strands of My Soul. How We Live Many Lives Simultaneously.

With the deepening awareness of conscious awakening and the unfolding understanding that comes from a life of sobriety and integration, I have found many concepts that have been tossed around by authors (myself included) to hold truths. There is no doubt that we tap into the subconscious when we authors channel our literary dances into prose and …

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Why Walking the Line Between Shadow and Soul Makes You a Poultice For Transmutation and a Menace to the Unconscious.

Since I decided to take my awareness into my heart and move into life from this point of attention I have encountered some of the worst behaviour from what Bill Hicks called ‘fevered egos’ daily. Personal development and growth aren’t lost on me as I see these challenges as opportunities. Everyone who has gaslit me …

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Business Mistakes I Made Since 2008. Spirituality and Practicality. Where the Rubber Meets the Road in 2021.

In 2008 I was moving through treacle in an energetic sense. The compounding of trauma from my childhood had gathered momentum through the years, and I hadn’t stopped to begin to ask for the help (from spirit and counsellors, mentors in third-dimensional reality) that I needed to feel more embodied, rather than being in my …

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Tales of the Tormented : Part Three

My body paced throughout the house that late afternoon. No one was home as it stormed through the bedrooms, revolt spilling from my pores and infecting the environment like a pungent stench. Scott eventually came back home and when he did I walked towards him and in a moment of overpowering I bleated out on …

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Tales of the Tormented : Part Two

Had I known at the time that my girlfriend was clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairaudient, and a powerful intuitive because of these abilities I may have listened to her. Our relationship had recalibrated by the time I had gone on a double date with Scott, Pip, and Orna to see a movie at the Metropolis Theatre in …

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