Consciousness Implants. Can we Share Knowledge from our Present Selves with our Past Selves?

I’ve often wondered what it would be like to live my life all over again and make different decisions with the foreknowledge of what my life would look like if I had ‘turned left’ instead of right. I’ve fantasized about transplanting my present moment consciousness into a younger age with the full wisdom and personal …

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Matariki. The PLeiades. My Galactic Family. Part Four: Homecoming.

The summer of 1996/1997 was one of the most formative of my life experience thus far. It culminated in my venturing to the Festival of Possibilities in March 1997, and it was here that I would meet perhaps the most important woman of my life (once again, thus far). Annette was sitting with her partner at the …

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Book Trailers: In 2008 They Were Rare. Now They’re Legion. Oho Ake Books Ahead of the Curve.

In 2008, before I quit my job, and decided to listen to that voice that was in my head (the one that I had encountered on a heroic dose of psilocybin mushrooms) and go back to Lyall Bay to ‘write’, my jam was travelling. I just wanted to see the planet, mingle with cultures that …

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Contactee, Consciously Creative, Visionary. My Spiritual Awakening That Lead me to Write. Part Five: Sanctum. My Magnum Opus.

In the years following my experiences around the mid-lower latitudes of Australia from 1997-1998, which allowed me to gain a greater understanding of the abilities I had integrated into my consciousness from Atlantis, I got lost in my human nature, forgetting my eternal soul. My conscious evolution of healing, understanding, and processing the traumatic programming …

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Contactee, Consciously Creative, Visionary. My Spiritual Awakening That Lead me to Write. Part Three: Hervey Bay and Cetaceans.

I had left Melbourne in early July 1997 and headed northeast after a friend, Nick, had told me of the two places in Australia that he loved the most. Cairns and Margaret River. For me to get to one, I chose to go to the other first. Being winter in Victoria, and something akin to …

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Contactee, Consciously Creative, Visionary. My Spiritual Awakening That Lead me to Write. Part Two : Annette Lion, Aladdin and Activation.

Annette and I left New Zealand in May 1999 for Melbourne, her hometown. When I got on the plane to go to Australia my gut immediately told me that the journey she was taking to Germany to do Zentherapy (a form of deep tissue work) was not my path but hers. It was devastating for …

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Why the Need to go to Space When we Have Oceans to Explore? Someone Not Wanting to be Found?

Decades after the Apollo moon missions suddenly stopped (or went black, out of public view) countries around the world and billionaires are wanting to get back to the Moon and Mars. According to official sources, 12 men set foot on the lunar surface from 1969-1972. But with the information presented by various researchers and confessions …

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Project Blue Beam? Or Werner Von Braun’s Final Tenet?2020’s Final Showpiece.

2020 is truly shaping up to be the year that the less than 1% began to throw down their full house spread. The pandemic card hasn’t worked. The dam that is Silicon Valley censorship, which is a thumb in the dyke of the global internet cannot plug all the holes that are manifesting moment to …

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Asteroid Strike or Fake Alien Invasion 2020?

So, the fake pandemic is falling apart daily. The majority of humans are still unquestioning in their obedience towards the system, although a few are outraged at the openly fascist behaviour of their countries, states, provinces elected civil servants. The, ‘it’s not happening to me, so I’m ok’, the mentality is pervasive, another form of divide …

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