War of the Worlds 2019. Predictive programming?

A friend asked me to watch the first season of this Studio Canal production, a reinterpretation of the H.G. Wells classic science fiction novel, The War of the Worlds. He like me has been watching, and researching the various psychological operation of ‘soft disclosure’ of the alien presence on Earth. He and I have been listening to the various …

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As Above. So Below. How the Archontic Artificial Intelligence is Creating a Hive Mind in Humanity.

In the early 1990’s when I first read The Bringers of the Dawn Teachings from the Pleiadians I came across two forces at work in antiquity and present day reality (then and now) that were not terrestrial human. Reptilian beings and artificial intelligence that had incorporated itself into the biology of various groups of reptilian …

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3 Reasons Why Heart-Based Living is Revolutionary and Will Change the Paradigm of Reality Forever.

Fear has been the currency of control of the global human populace for eons. In my blog post, We Live in a Simulation. Sound (Words and Frequencies) Can Change your DNA. You Have the Power To Transform Your Experience I concur with David Icke saying that fear is the energetic source that self-perpetuates the walls …

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PCR Swabs. Nasal or Anal? Nanotech Delivered into your Intestine or your Cribriform plate (into your brain)

Mark Twain is quoted as saying, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” This quote is so applicable in society today and boy oh boy has the truth become STRANGE. Let’s jump right on in, cause this blog post is going to show some …

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Climate Emergency claptrap. Agenda 21/2030 goes into overdrive in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

So the C-19 distraction hasn’t delivered on its promise (at least in this country). There are too many scientists, epidemiologists, virologists, medical specialists, forensic psychologists, Nobel prize-winning Italian doctors, Universities like the John Hopkins, Stanford (I could go on and on) saying that not only is the PCR-RT test is unreliable, and they can’t find …

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Global Flu Season Vanished, Replaced with a Phantom Virus. USA. A Case Study Becoming Clear.

The Business Insider Australia reported in January 2020 that 20,000 Americans had died since October 2019 of seasonal influenza. At this moment in history, this mysterious C-19 virus had infected 4,600 people and killed 107 (apparently). The article delivered something that the less than 1% and those parroting the official narrative desperately need to sweep …

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We Gotta Get Out of This Place if it’sThe Last Thing We Ever Do…

Looking back at this blip in a construct called time (I don’t believe that there is a concept or construction called ‘time’ beyond the simulation we are currently living in) called 2020 there are many divergent, divisive, and dangerous precedents being set in a global society. If it’s not the cult of personality, the scamdemic, the colour …

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Suicides are Killing more People than COVID. Lockdowns are Destroying Mental Health.

If there is one aspect of the global locking down of the populace that’s largely ignored (with honourable exceptions, Japan being one) by sycophantic technocrats and politicians it is the mental health of those people affected by their draconian measures. With a critical eye and with greater research, we can see that the mainstream narrative …

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Reptilians. Saurian InterDimensionals. Hiding in Plain Sight.

In the mid 1990’s while living in the Tasman region of Te Wai Ponamu, The South Island of Aotearoa/New Zealand I had some of the most formative and mind-expanding experiences that would allow me to have a greater understanding of the nature of reality. So much of existence remains unseen, not decoded by the human …

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Lockdowns. Straight out the Davos Technocrats ‘Great reset’ Playbook. China, the Blueprint.

2020 was the first time in known history that the healthy global populace was imprisoned in their homes, forced to obey the machinations of state-enforced by the police and the army in some countries. Humanity allowed to exercise (this had its parameters in some countries from not being able to leave their properties to be …

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