I’m Grieving . Critical Thinking Humans are an Endangered Species…For Now.

I awoke on the morning of October 20th, 2020 to realise that my intuition had been spot on (again) in regards to the election result for Aotearoa/New Zealand. When our socialist/Chinese communist/UN shill/Gates Foundation Gofer Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern had said that her government would be running the country alone (not in coalition with any other political …

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Asteroid Strike or Fake Alien Invasion 2020?

So, the fake pandemic is falling apart daily. The majority of humans are still unquestioning in their obedience towards the system, although a few are outraged at the openly fascist behaviour of their countries, states, provinces elected civil servants. The, ‘it’s not happening to me, so I’m ok’, the mentality is pervasive, another form of divide …

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Tattoos. A Spiritual Technology

My friend who got introduced me to RomiRomi told me that the practitioner, Sarah Cotter had told him that tattoos were a spiritual technology. This information gave me a new understanding of what I already consider to a form of esoteric/biological/integrative reference for my conscious awareness encapsulated in my genetic spacesuit. I look at my tattoos as …

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When Life Swallows all Creative Expression. Existing is All We Can Do.

An eloquent and powerful message was shared from a question and answer session from Gigi Young’s member’s section of her website for me (and for many others too) last week. It summed up why I have been personally on the end of some immoral behaviour from people that I have associated with over the last six months …

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Paradigm shifts. The foundational Experience of the Oho Ake Universe.

There is a narrative that flows through the novels of Harmon Sueno and also in the novel, Rigmarole, by Dick Swabb (to be published in 2021) that has been with me since my conscious awakening. Paradigm shifting. In Entwined and United, the paradigm shift is brought about by many characters with extraordinary abilities, knowledge, and determination against the will of the cabal that has utilised a dark …

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Acceptance, Observation, Peace. The Formula for Living in my Heart

Over the last few months, I have perceived and been subject to behaviours, deeds, words, and actions that originate far from the heart. The foundation for all these has been the need for control. Controlling the narrative of a conversation, being gaslit as someone projects their reactionary traumas onto me to be right in justifying their actions …

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Irrefutable… The Dance Called Dwarka Addendum.

The being that Iho Grace is writing the book of poetry called, A Dance Called Dwarka for has been absent from my life experience for around six weeks. I ventured into the memory of that life more than once in that time to recollect the sensations, the feelings, and awe that the Mauritian merchant felt when he saw the being from a watery world in …

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Markus. A long way from Lyra, United’s other Immortal Hero.

 Markus, is a character from the Harmon Sueno novel, United, who came to me when I heard about the Pentecostal snake handlers in the Appalachian mountains quoting this verse from the Gospel of Mark,  Mark 16:17–18 ‘17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick …

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The Finishing Touches. Watching a Book be Birthed into the Literary Universe.

I just received the pencil sketch of the cover of A Flickering Light Called Fate, by Iho Grace from Amber Coubrough my cover illustrator today. She’s due with her third child, so the effort to get this sketch out is simply heroic. I’m so grateful that she has given me a glimpse of what the cover will look like. There is a …

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Shadow and Soul series : The Books of Harmon Sueno, Pablo wairua and Lord Buford Somerset

Taking the Oho Ake universe into Amazon KDP exclusively wasn’t a move that I had strategised. With Draft2Digital, I would have had a wide distribution for the ebooks, across the world, including with Amazon, as well as dozens of other digital book retail stores. Due to their censorship of some of the content in the books (which was taken completely …

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