Shadow and Soul series : The Books of Harmon Sueno, Pablo wairua and Lord Buford Somerset

Taking the Oho Ake universe into Amazon KDP exclusively wasn’t a move that I had strategised. With Draft2Digital, I would have had a wide distribution for the ebooks, across the world, including with Amazon, as well as dozens of other digital book retail stores. Due to their censorship of some of the content in the books (which was taken completely …

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Holding the Space to Let the Story Unspool in Your Heart and Mind. The Art of Being in the Void.

In my writing process, I will often take nights, days, and weeks away from a narrative of a novel so it can formulate for me. Holding down a very physical day job means that I’m reluctant to come home and write at night. I wrote Sanctum (2nd edition) in a blur of nights, over months of toiling away as it flowed …

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The Spool Unwinds, Wait, There’s More…

During my morning meditation, I had a MASSIVE download. The gist of the message was ‘no so fast sucker! there’s more where that information came from and you ain’t seen nothing yet! You want to join the dots on this, then you have to read this…’Elana Freeland, Under an Ionized Sky. ‘ Here’s an introduction of the …

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