How Plant Medicine Opens Your Heart and Makes you Less Full of Shit…If You Are Fearless.

If you have a strong ego and don’t acknowledge the shadow that you cast then stay the fuck away from plant medicines. In fact, all psychedelics can be hazards to your sense of self importance and therefore should be considered off limits. If you have a strong ego and go into plant medicine ceremonies with …

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The Faerie Folk of Aotearoa/New Zealand. Not the Urekehu or the Patupairehere, the REAL Faerie Folk.

In 1994, when my partner Inez told me about her faerie folk experience as a child travelling through the Te Urewera Forest in, I was encapsulated and enchanted by the recall of her ordeal. Inez was Tuhoe, the Iwi, or Maori custodians of this area of the country and her grandmother who was travelling with …

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Contactee, Consciously Creative, Visionary. My Spiritual Awakening That Lead me to Write. Part Two : Annette Lion, Aladdin and Activation.

Annette and I left New Zealand in May 1999 for Melbourne, her hometown. When I got on the plane to go to Australia my gut immediately told me that the journey she was taking to Germany to do Zentherapy (a form of deep tissue work) was not my path but hers. It was devastating for …

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Witness. When resonance became form. Kura tawhiti to Tessa.

In 2017 I finally made my way to Kura Tawhit, Castle Hill, a place sacred to the Waitaha people who lived in the Canterbury region for generations before the European colonists arrived. I had wanted to get there for an equinox or a solstice since Freddy Silva had identified an enormous serpentine ley line that passed through …

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Acceptance, Observation, Peace. The Formula for Living in my Heart

Over the last few months, I have perceived and been subject to behaviours, deeds, words, and actions that originate far from the heart. The foundation for all these has been the need for control. Controlling the narrative of a conversation, being gaslit as someone projects their reactionary traumas onto me to be right in justifying their actions …

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Anchoring In, Dropping Down, Grounding in Nature.

During the global smackdown, I have felt the call away from the hustle and bustle of the technological, residential, cultural mayhem of the city. I’m fortunate enough to live in a city that has nature coursing through it like veins of a great heart, one carved up until its parts remain in the highest and most inhospitable locales …

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Putting a Name to the Ability.

I have always had a strong sense of CLAIRCOGNIZANCE or Intuitive knowing. I didn’t really understand this form of mystical intuitive ability till I took the Gigi Young courses that introduce you to the various forms of psychic intelligence that one can re-ignite in their lives. All clairs (which is French for clear) are latent …

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Where do the Ideas for the Books I Write come from?

This is a multi-dimensional question for me to answer. Conscious awakening has allowed me to perceive infinite possibilities manifesting on an infinite number of timelines all existing at once. I allow five voices, all different characters to write through me, each observing their interpretation of reality. Harmon Sueno delves into the realms where mythos and truth are the same. Pablo Wairua, heralds …

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