The Internet, CERN, Arihman, Steiner and AI. We Were Warned.

Not long ago I began to have cognizant moments that kicked off a whole bunch of synchronistic truths for me. In 2019, I heard the musings of a darkly sardonic and hunourous voice in my head, that being one Dick Swabb, a part of my multidimensional existence. I began to fuse together information provided in Dr.Joseph …

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Contactee, Consciously Creative, Visionary. My Spiritual Awakening That Lead me to Write. Part Four: Redgate Beach and Interdimensionals beings.

At the beginning of 1998, I had travelled across the Australian continent (hitchhiking) and made my way down to Esperance. From here I met a girl from Queensland called Cynthia who I would travel and become lovers with for three weeks around southwestern Australia. We weaved inland and back out to the coast until one …

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The Faerie Folk of Aotearoa/New Zealand. Not the Urekehu or the Patupairehere, the REAL Faerie Folk.

In 1994, when my partner Inez told me about her faerie folk experience as a child travelling through the Te Urewera Forest in, I was encapsulated and enchanted by the recall of her ordeal. Inez was Tuhoe, the Iwi, or Maori custodians of this area of the country and her grandmother who was travelling with …

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Shamanic Dreaming My Way Through Existence

In February this year, I did a day course, an introduction into Shamanic Dreaming, at the request of a very intuitive healer and practicing Shamanic Dreamer. She told me to ‘fill your boots.’ I did that and more. Imagination was the key element to making this experience enriching, and as an imaginist, you would have believed …

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