Vancouver. A Love Story, A Tragedy, A Sonnet. Part One : Don’t Go Breaking My Heart.

In August 1999 I boarded a plane bound for Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from Bangkok. I had been travelling around what was once called Indochina, that being the countries, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos for around eight weeks on a very tight budget, but had enough money left over to either take me west, to India, …

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Consciousness Emanating From The Heart. My Experience of Contact With InterDimensional Beings in 2020. Part One.

When the country of my birth, Aotearoa/New Zealand lifted its four week house arrest (to stop everyone getting the flu) in May 2020, I was guided by my work colleague to check out Dr. Steven Greer’s latest documentary, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun. Dr. Greer’s push for disclosure along with the …

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Contactee, Consciously Creative, Visionary. My Spiritual Awakening That Lead me to Write. Part One : Annette Lion and Atlantis.

I watched the latest episode of Ancient Aliens tonight and had a laughed as it started. The episode was labelled, The Harmonic Code. I consider this show purely entertainment, it often stretches out into enormous speculation without any reference to civilisations that have been on this planet from Atlantis stretching back into the depths of …

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When Stars Collide

A deeper understanding of my energetic origins has come through the value of human connection. In this embodiment, we call human life, consciousness uses the lens of the human body to perceive this dense frequency band, interpreting and decoding information. Through our senses we begin can experience much, but through our subtler bodies attached to …

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Lifting my head above the parapet

When I began writing in 2008, the message was clear; let the information, the stories, the characters be the public faces of Oho Ake Books, you (that’s me) stay behind the curtain and dish up the material, spin the narrative and just enjoy the unfolding wonder. Yeah, that worked well… In the years preceding the …

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Awakening to truth through imagination

In my childhood, I had many experiences that could be perceived as supernatural or paranormal. What was defined as ‘real’ was a matter of conjecture, and for me, the last word on what was simply an active imagination or an aspect of heightened sensory awareness came from the mouths of my caregivers. I grew up with visitations from parasitic …

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Lifting the Veil

There was never any question about what I was going to write about. It was just a question about how the information presented in my books would illuminate the reader into a deeper understanding of all possibilities. The feeling that I was in the world, but didn’t belong to it, was an invitation to experience …

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Voices in my Head : Part three Pablo Wairua

For such a young man Pablo Wairua’s voice carried much gravitas. Wizened beyond his years, the way he spoke had a purpose, strength, and poise. I would come to know that he understood the nature of the creation, from thought to word and then manifestation, so I used language carefully, intentionally, and courageously. Born to …

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Voices in my head : Part Two Harmon Sueno

I had not read any Gabriel Garcia Marquez before I heard Harmon Sueno whispering to me, asking me to dictate his visions, clear and true. I had never heard of Magical Realism, however, I was to discover that Harmon Sueno was cut from the same cloth as the Latin American writers whose surrealism extends beyond scientific …

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