The Sabbatean-Frankist Cult Running The World is Experimenting on Israel’s Population. Medical Apartheid and Nazi Germany Merge.

To understand the ruling force behind the curtain, often hiding behind labels such as being Jewish (when they loathe those who follow the Talmud and want to destroy them) you have to look deeply into the historical context of the importance of Jacob Frank and the Sabbatean-Frankist cult that has infiltrated all major religions arising …

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The Less Than 1% Have Started a War to keep themselves in Power. 2020 it Began. 2021 it Continues.

If anyone thought that 2020 was a year to forget and that all would return to ‘normal’, or to be more precise, as it was in 2019, then you may need to stop medicating yourself with cognitive dissonance and wake up to the reality that the human family is under siege for a small group …

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Hydroxychloroquine, Coronavirus Destroyer (not Covid-19 it doesn’t exist). A Threat to the Cult Agenda.

We can thank John D. Rockefeller for the introduction of global Big Pharmaceutical. The oil tycoon’s petrochemical drugs took his fortune and power to levels that few family dynasties can imagine. Consider this, the land where the United Nations was built was gifted by the Rockefeller family, and by proxy, you can see that the …

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Suicides are Killing more People than COVID. Lockdowns are Destroying Mental Health.

If there is one aspect of the global locking down of the populace that’s largely ignored (with honourable exceptions, Japan being one) by sycophantic technocrats and politicians it is the mental health of those people affected by their draconian measures. With a critical eye and with greater research, we can see that the mainstream narrative …

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Her Imperial Majesty, the Winged Albino Draco Queen.

I’m no authority on the culture of the Draconis Empire (or more importantly the faction that is imbued under the sway of the Archontic matrix of Artificial Intelligence), but Harmon Sueno’s novels, Sanctum, Entwined and United all have her presence in their pages. What information I researched (and there was little, even more so over the last few years as what was available vanished …

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