Is Jacinda Ardern the Trojan Horse taking Aotearoa into Agenda 21/2030? I would say…YES.

Those who read my blogs (especially the last one) know that I’m no fan of Jacinda Ardern. I’m not the only person calling her out as a monumental fraud, others may call her naive as she ushers in the creation of a technological prison system for Aotearoa/New Zealand at the behest of the Climate Change …

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The Moron Evacuation 2020 : Where’s Thanos when you need him? A Satirical post from Dick Swabb.

It’s Pha’s birthday so he’s busy pampering and nurturing his body and soul, and so I’ve come snuck in to have a blast on the keyboard. I haven’t written any more of the novel I started, Rigmarole since the house arrest under the socialist government of New Zealand finished and they let us loose from our panic …

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Suicides are Killing more People than COVID. Lockdowns are Destroying Mental Health.

If there is one aspect of the global locking down of the populace that’s largely ignored (with honourable exceptions, Japan being one) by sycophantic technocrats and politicians it is the mental health of those people affected by their draconian measures. With a critical eye and with greater research, we can see that the mainstream narrative …

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Lockdowns. Straight out the Davos Technocrats ‘Great reset’ Playbook. China, the Blueprint.

2020 was the first time in known history that the healthy global populace was imprisoned in their homes, forced to obey the machinations of state-enforced by the police and the army in some countries. Humanity allowed to exercise (this had its parameters in some countries from not being able to leave their properties to be …

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