The Health Crisis That Isn’t. Global Socialism Via a Police State and Narrative Control Implantable Technology. Welcome to UN Agenda 2030. The Great Reset.

On February 14th, 2021 Peter Hitchens wrote an opinion piece for The Daily Mail online titled, We DID have a sensible Covid plan… but copied a police state instead. Hitchens has been a voice of reason in the mainstream media of the UK, which has like many European countries become fascist. Hitchens is more succinct …

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PCR Swabs. Nasal or Anal? Nanotech Delivered into your Intestine or your Cribriform plate (into your brain)

Mark Twain is quoted as saying, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” This quote is so applicable in society today and boy oh boy has the truth become STRANGE. Let’s jump right on in, cause this blog post is going to show some …

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The Artificial Intelligence Tyranny of the Archontic Empire on Earth is Rising out of the Underground Bases and into Society.

With the introduction of smart technology in the early 21st century, the advent of Artificial Intelligence began its incremental tiptoe into global society. The Pleiadians who the trance channel Barbara Marciniak has worked with since 1988 say that they have come from a future timeline, from their galactic home in the Pleiades star cluster where an AI tyranny that originated on …

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From Lockdowns to Asymptomatic Transmissions, to Statistical Deaths showing no increase in 2020. The Scammers are having a Laugh!

Dr. David Nabarro, a Special Envoy on Covid-19 for the World Health Organization was quoted by Bruce Y. Lee in Forbes online as saying, “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus.” That statement could have cost him his career. He was working for the man …

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The Greatest Hoax in History. Covid-19. Oh really? Read on…

This is an ode to the critical thinkers out there. My people. Let’s get down to it. Koch’s postulates are the GOLD STANDARD for identifying a disease-causing agent. The German physician Robert Koch’s work with bacteriology was responsible for the methodology of creating vaccines for petrochemical pharmaceutical companies. Keep that in mind as I continue. …

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Prioritising what’s important. The Great Reset (not Klaus Scwhab’s).

Whose Klaus Schwab? You ask that question and you’ve been caught in the COVID 19 distraction, and its reverberations throughout the global society. The two are interlinked, Klaus Schwab is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, you know the one that meets at Davos every year to openly discuss how to get …

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