When a Fake Health Crisis Becomes a Fake Climate Crisis. Tyranny is the End Game. The Lies are Transparent.

With the health crisis having seduced many of the global population into a state of complete cognitive dissonance, the psychological operation on them is about to be ramped up once again. Fear is the currency of control, and an already acquiescent and apathetic populace has surrendered their power to bought out governments so they can …

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A Quarter of 2021 is Almost Over. The Collective Soul Exposed For Those With Eyes to See. Part Two: True Leaders and Whistleblowers Unite.

Continuing with this blog series about the first quarter of 2021, let’s flip the coin and further our expose of the soul of humanity, where compassion, empathy, and truth reign over the rigidity of control, manipulation, and fear. On March 30th, an article was published in nbcmiami.com reporting that the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis would pass …

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The Sabbatean-Frankist Cult Running The World is Experimenting on Israel’s Population. Medical Apartheid and Nazi Germany Merge.

To understand the ruling force behind the curtain, often hiding behind labels such as being Jewish (when they loathe those who follow the Talmud and want to destroy them) you have to look deeply into the historical context of the importance of Jacob Frank and the Sabbatean-Frankist cult that has infiltrated all major religions arising …

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The PCR test. Amplification of DNA in Order to find a Virus?

I was going to write about the Orwellian track and trace application and the tip-toe/psychological priming of the global populace into the corral of complete surveillance that is coming if we don’t stop it, but instead, this came onto my radar. Kary Mullis was a Nobel Laureate in Chemistry who won the prize in 1993 …

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