Fascism and Insanity meet in the Middle. The War on Animal Husbandry under the Premise of COVID.

As David Icke said famously many years ago, the world is mad. Completely batshit bonkers. It’s also run by humans that no longer are human, they either have artificial intelligence running them like a biological computer (empathy deleted) or they are possessed by entities from lower astral realms (empathy deleted). The levels of cruelty to animals by …

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Dead eyed Bill and Melinda Reptile Eyes. The Gates of Hell Foundation…

2020 is their year. Without a doubt. No names have crossed people’s lips this year more than theirs. If the sheer volume of their spoken names said continuously, and on a global scale were a form of worship, then many would be at their feet in adoration. Our modern-day Zeus and Hera, not in character, …

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The Covid Distraction is also a Consciousness Harvesting for…

Those of us able to critically think, who’ve been able to piece together information around the timelines for this ‘globally manufactured crisis’ and see the events around its initial media outbreak, have also seen the censorship take precedence (in accord with the principles of Event 201, if you dig a little deeper still) to the …

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Cognitive dissonance : Introducing Horacio Bifkin, Mexican madman.

During solitary confinement, what was the global smackdown, that has played itself out during the plandemic I had some friends who were buying into the fear portrayed in the media in ways that were crippling their sense of being. So, I decided to make the most of this strange and ridiculous situation and began to send Whatsapp messages to these …

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