The Internet, CERN, Arihman, Steiner and AI. We Were Warned.

Not long ago I began to have cognizant moments that kicked off a whole bunch of synchronistic truths for me. In 2019, I heard the musings of a darkly sardonic and hunourous voice in my head, that being one Dick Swabb, a part of my multidimensional existence. I began to fuse together information provided in Dr.Joseph …

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Informed Medical Consent? Not Up For Debate. The Health Crisis Distraction. Look Here, While The Less Than 1% Enslave, Murder and Maim.

Youtube censorship is alive and well. Some of the posts I was going to share from that platform today for this blog (to link up to the information for you to discern for yourself) have been banned. I will continue, using other websites that still have the clips that allow you, the reader to watch …

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The Human Family Under Siege. Surviving the Covid-19 Inoculation A Game of Risk. Roll the Dice.

Since the rollout of the COVID-19 experimental vaccines (Pfizer’s vaccine for example doesn’t finish its clinical trials till 2023) on an uninformed and often petrified global population the list of adverse reactions has skyrocketed (those that have been reported that is). The U.K. Yellow Card vaccine reporting scheme, which is the British equivalent to the American Centers …

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‘Do As I Say Not As I Do’. Hypocrisy is just a way of life for the Less Than 1%. Machinations of Oligarchs exposed.

It seems that that paragon of human society has been out of the limelight too long. I’m talking about the world authority on the ‘magic virus’ Bill Gates. Not only did he warn the planet about the glaringly obvious (to him) fact that a coronavirus pandemic could sweep over the planet causing huge amounts of suffering and …

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The Less Than 1% Have Started a War to keep themselves in Power. 2020 it Began. 2021 it Continues.

If anyone thought that 2020 was a year to forget and that all would return to ‘normal’, or to be more precise, as it was in 2019, then you may need to stop medicating yourself with cognitive dissonance and wake up to the reality that the human family is under siege for a small group …

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2021. Exposing the Lies is an Opportunity for Humanity to Crush the Narrative and Trash it.

Well, what a fucking year 2020 was. The Cult that runs the shitshow we call ‘reality’, or the timeline that these empathy deleted asshats want humanity to abide by to be more precise is throwing down their end game cards in rapid fashion. The C-19 card was rehearsed in 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundations Scenarios for …

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Misfeasance Lawsuits against Public Officials? NO Malfeasance. Where are Cases? Why is no one Suing?

Law is meant to be difficult for those not schooled within the system. The creation of the language legalese comes from when the Roman empire made their subjugated countries uses the Roman legal system, which most adopted after the empire was in the annals of history. So Latin is used widely within the legal system, and in …

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A Leader of the People for the People. What Would That Look Like? Here’s My Interpretation.

In my blogs I’ve written about the sycophantic nature of elected civil servants who don’t honour their promises, are self-indulgent, power-hungry (though they have none, they are puppets that get discarded when their usefulness is over), and get elected on personality rather than policy. What would a leader of the people, for the people look like to …

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Climate Emergency claptrap. Agenda 21/2030 goes into overdrive in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

So the C-19 distraction hasn’t delivered on its promise (at least in this country). There are too many scientists, epidemiologists, virologists, medical specialists, forensic psychologists, Nobel prize-winning Italian doctors, Universities like the John Hopkins, Stanford (I could go on and on) saying that not only is the PCR-RT test is unreliable, and they can’t find …

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The DNA harvest continues with the PCR test. Surveillance? Medical? Or Targeted Biological Weapons?

Claire Bernish from Activist Post reported on 15 September 2016 that the Police were Police across the USA were stopping innocent people and collecting their DNA. This was a violation of the Bill of the Rights, the Fourth Amendment to be precise, that being to recognise and acknowledge an individual’s God-given right to be secure …

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