War of the Worlds 2019. Predictive programming?

A friend asked me to watch the first season of this Studio Canal production, a reinterpretation of the H.G. Wells classic science fiction novel, The War of the Worlds. He like me has been watching, and researching the various psychological operation of ‘soft disclosure’ of the alien presence on Earth. He and I have been listening to the various …

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UFO Becomes UAP Becomes USO. Coronado, Grenada, Andros Island. Where the Military Industrial Complex Meets the United Nations.

Welcome to you can’t make this shit up day. Firstly, let me say that I owe so much of what I am about to entail in this blog to Dark Journalist, Daniel Lizst, who is an extraordinary researcher, and a REAL journalist in a global society where they are rarer than hen’s teeth. His research …

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How Plant Medicine Opens Your Heart and Makes you Less Full of Shit…If You Are Fearless.

If you have a strong ego and don’t acknowledge the shadow that you cast then stay the fuck away from plant medicines. In fact, all psychedelics can be hazards to your sense of self importance and therefore should be considered off limits. If you have a strong ego and go into plant medicine ceremonies with …

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The Fake Alien Invasion Threat. The Next Card in Control Systems Deck.

On 6/9/2020 I wrote a blog post called Asteroid Strike or Fake Alien Invasion 2020? in which I detailed how Paperclip Nazi scientist Werner Von Braun, the head of the Apollo program that took the Americans to the moon had told Carol Rosin about a four tenet lie towards weaponising space. The final stage of …

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Project Blue Beam? Or Werner Von Braun’s Final Tenet?2020’s Final Showpiece.

2020 is truly shaping up to be the year that the less than 1% began to throw down their full house spread. The pandemic card hasn’t worked. The dam that is Silicon Valley censorship, which is a thumb in the dyke of the global internet cannot plug all the holes that are manifesting moment to …

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Asteroid Strike or Fake Alien Invasion 2020?

So, the fake pandemic is falling apart daily. The majority of humans are still unquestioning in their obedience towards the system, although a few are outraged at the openly fascist behaviour of their countries, states, provinces elected civil servants. The, ‘it’s not happening to me, so I’m ok’, the mentality is pervasive, another form of divide …

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As above so below. Macro and Micro. Humanity and the Quantum Coherence of Consciousness.

Ordo Ab Chao. Order out of Chaos. This is the motto of the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry. Our planetary civilisation is in turmoil, divide and rule are splitting humanity into warring factions. The politically correct have become violent, a manufactured global crisis, overtly controlled by a gofer billionaire for the hidden hands behind the curtain …

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Where do the Ideas for the Books I Write come from?

This is a multi-dimensional question for me to answer. Conscious awakening has allowed me to perceive infinite possibilities manifesting on an infinite number of timelines all existing at once. I allow five voices, all different characters to write through me, each observing their interpretation of reality. Harmon Sueno delves into the realms where mythos and truth are the same. Pablo Wairua, heralds …

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