The Faerie Folk of Aotearoa/New Zealand. Not the Urekehu or the Patupairehere, the REAL Faerie Folk.

In 1994, when my partner Inez told me about her faerie folk experience as a child travelling through the Te Urewera Forest in, I was encapsulated and enchanted by the recall of her ordeal. Inez was Tuhoe, the Iwi, or Maori custodians of this area of the country and her grandmother who was travelling with …

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Putting a Name to the Ability.

I have always had a strong sense of CLAIRCOGNIZANCE or Intuitive knowing. I didn’t really understand this form of mystical intuitive ability till I took the Gigi Young courses that introduce you to the various forms of psychic intelligence that one can re-ignite in their lives. All clairs (which is French for clear) are latent …

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I hear you LOUD and clear : Part One

I have never been a full-time creative imaginist who spends hours banging out books. I have had to hold down jobs that have allowed me to forge my path, employing a book cover designer, an editor/proofreader, web designers, animators (for the book trailers for Entwined/United), creative video producers/directors (both of which I am too) and …

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