As Above. So Below. How the Archontic Artificial Intelligence is Creating a Hive Mind in Humanity.

In the early 1990’s when I first read The Bringers of the Dawn Teachings from the Pleiadians I came across two forces at work in antiquity and present day reality (then and now) that were not terrestrial human. Reptilian beings and artificial intelligence that had incorporated itself into the biology of various groups of reptilian …

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We Live in a Simulation. Sound (Words and Frequencies) Can Change your DNA. You Have the Power To Transform Your Experience.

In 2001, Dr. Nick Bostrom, a Swedish philosopher at Oxford University, wrote his simulation argument, which posited some interesting concepts about the nature of reality, but the most popular of the three posits being that we live in a simulation. David Icke wrote in Tales from the Time Loop in 2003, after taking Ayahuasca in …

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