War of the Worlds 2019. Predictive programming?

A friend asked me to watch the first season of this Studio Canal production, a reinterpretation of the H.G. Wells classic science fiction novel, The War of the Worlds. He like me has been watching, and researching the various psychological operation of ‘soft disclosure’ of the alien presence on Earth. He and I have been listening to the various …

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PCR Swabs. Nasal or Anal? Nanotech Delivered into your Intestine or your Cribriform plate (into your brain)

Mark Twain is quoted as saying, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” This quote is so applicable in society today and boy oh boy has the truth become STRANGE. Let’s jump right on in, cause this blog post is going to show some …

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While the Northern Hemisphere is in Turmoil, NZ is so 2019. Long May We Be So. A Roundup of the Madness.

Two people said to me in the last week that New Zealand was the world’s petri dish and that we were also the bolt hole for some of the financial and technocratic elite and therefore would be spared some of the utter lunacy that passing like waves across Europe and North America. I can see …

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Fascism and Insanity meet in the Middle. The War on Animal Husbandry under the Premise of COVID.

As David Icke said famously many years ago, the world is mad. Completely batshit bonkers. It’s also run by humans that no longer are human, they either have artificial intelligence running them like a biological computer (empathy deleted) or they are possessed by entities from lower astral realms (empathy deleted). The levels of cruelty to animals by …

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The Less Than 1% Have Started a War to keep themselves in Power. 2020 it Began. 2021 it Continues.

If anyone thought that 2020 was a year to forget and that all would return to ‘normal’, or to be more precise, as it was in 2019, then you may need to stop medicating yourself with cognitive dissonance and wake up to the reality that the human family is under siege for a small group …

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Covering their Tracks? Not Well Enough for the Critical Mind. Truth Will Always Find a Way.

Frances Leader created an email exchange with UK MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) in the United Kingdom over their approval of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine after discovering a Wuhan study in Feb 2020 where monkey kidney & fetal cell-lines which were used as a “culture” before rt-PCR amplification to ‘identify’ the genome sequence …

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Ivermectin. An Anti-Parasitic Drug for an Influenza Virus? Is COVID a Virus? Or an Activated Parasite?

When I began to look at the findings of the use of Ivermectin for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) referring to regularly taking medication before being infected by Covid, to prevent or minimize infection, and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), medication which is taken after exposure but before symptoms appear, I was initially dumbfounded. An excerpt from the www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov website with the …

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Climate Emergency claptrap. Agenda 21/2030 goes into overdrive in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

So the C-19 distraction hasn’t delivered on its promise (at least in this country). There are too many scientists, epidemiologists, virologists, medical specialists, forensic psychologists, Nobel prize-winning Italian doctors, Universities like the John Hopkins, Stanford (I could go on and on) saying that not only is the PCR-RT test is unreliable, and they can’t find …

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Global Flu Season Vanished, Replaced with a Phantom Virus. USA. A Case Study Becoming Clear.

The Business Insider Australia reported in January 2020 that 20,000 Americans had died since October 2019 of seasonal influenza. At this moment in history, this mysterious C-19 virus had infected 4,600 people and killed 107 (apparently). The article delivered something that the less than 1% and those parroting the official narrative desperately need to sweep …

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The Moron Evacuation 2020 : Where’s Thanos when you need him? A Satirical post from Dick Swabb.

It’s Pha’s birthday so he’s busy pampering and nurturing his body and soul, and so I’ve come snuck in to have a blast on the keyboard. I haven’t written any more of the novel I started, Rigmarole since the house arrest under the socialist government of New Zealand finished and they let us loose from our panic …

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