Has Arihman Incarnated? Rudolf Steiner’s Prediction Come True? Meet Professor Yuval Noah Harari.

The Austrian scholar and mystic Rudolf Steiner in the early 20th century brought through his Anthroposophical teachings many predictions that have become reality one hundred years later. One of Steiner’s most telling predictions was the incarnation of the entity he named Ahriman. In Zoroastrianism and Zorvanism, two early Persian religions, Ahriman is the twin brother of …

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The Internet, CERN, Arihman, Steiner and AI. We Were Warned.

Not long ago I began to have cognizant moments that kicked off a whole bunch of synchronistic truths for me. In 2019, I heard the musings of a darkly sardonic and hunourous voice in my head, that being one Dick Swabb, a part of my multidimensional existence. I began to fuse together information provided in Dr.Joseph …

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UFO Becomes UAP Becomes USO. Coronado, Grenada, Andros Island. Where the Military Industrial Complex Meets the United Nations.

Welcome to you can’t make this shit up day. Firstly, let me say that I owe so much of what I am about to entail in this blog to Dark Journalist, Daniel Lizst, who is an extraordinary researcher, and a REAL journalist in a global society where they are rarer than hen’s teeth. His research …

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The Fake Alien Invasion Threat. The Next Card in Control Systems Deck.

On 6/9/2020 I wrote a blog post called Asteroid Strike or Fake Alien Invasion 2020? in which I detailed how Paperclip Nazi scientist Werner Von Braun, the head of the Apollo program that took the Americans to the moon had told Carol Rosin about a four tenet lie towards weaponising space. The final stage of …

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History Repeats. From Atlantis to Today. Chimeras Are Back.

Part of my spiritual awakening process has been the memories of various incarnations, and some of these have been truly disturbing for me. One such memory was the final stages of my lifetime on Atlantis. In the novel Sanctum, I have written with great detail the horrors I inflicted upon my daughter, turning her into …

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Billy G is not my Brother he’s just a Nerd that thinks that he’s the One, but he ain’t here to save the World son.

If there is one polarising figure during the scamdemic that has been played on the global population since its conception in 2019 it’s Bill Gates. After being vilified for his lack of scruples in 2002 during the Microsoft antitrust case, he reinvented himself as a philanthropist, seemingly donating large amounts of his wealth to the …

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Did CERN’s Large Hadron Collider begin the overlay of the Eighth Sphere on our reality in 2012?

The Austrian scholar, mystic, and genius Rudolf Steiner, who was the German head of the Theosophy Society before creating Anthroposophy revealed in great detail the nature of one of the mystery schools best-kept secrets, The Eighth Sphere. The translations from german into English are detailed and thorough, and reading them is like deciphering a code …

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Kristi Noem. Vilified for her Leadership by compromised Media and Talking Heads. Here is a Balanced Perspective.

The greatest leaders in politics are those who give the people the personal responsibility to choose their way without legislation that cripples them to do otherwise. This is my opinion. A true leader never asserts power over people in a despotic way gathering more control over the lives of those who have elected them to …

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Billionaires Keep Getting Richer in 2021 and Enact the Cult Agenda. From Transhumanism to Biotech.

While the world continues to be under the spell of the COVID distraction and the STOLEN USA election, The World Economic Forum met to play Earth Catan and remind themselves just how special they are. They would have you believe that they are the new feudal overlords, a 21st century landed gentry, and that ‘we …

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