Claiming Your Perception Back From Mainstream Everything. Revolution Begins With You.

In 2020 the first machinations towards communist Chinese style censorship rippled across the internet. It was met with mainstream everything parroting a narrative that made its job of engaging the amygdala to go into overdrive. The manufactured health crisis has several means to ends, depopulation, transhumanism, creating a hunger games society, and increasing the levels …

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Transmutation Through Creative Expression. How I Became the Men in All my Novels. Healing The Shadow by Writing About my Ancestral Wounds. Part one.

One of the most hilarious aspects of my conscious awakening has been the experience of understanding that the male characters in my novels Sanctum, Entwined and United are all aspects of my consciousness being expressed across the multiverse. My writing process I imagine is not unique, many writers channel their consciousness existing across the lines …

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David Icke : All Roads Lead to Love.

When I arrived in Vancouver, August 1999, I wasn’t sure whether I had truly followed my heart. I had spent almost two months travelling alone through South-East Asia after breaking up with my long-term partner three times in the previous month while island hopping through Indonesia, Malaysia, and then Thailand. Looking back on my experience …

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Holding the Space to Let the Story Unspool in Your Heart and Mind. The Art of Being in the Void.

In my writing process, I will often take nights, days, and weeks away from a narrative of a novel so it can formulate for me. Holding down a very physical day job means that I’m reluctant to come home and write at night. I wrote Sanctum (2nd edition) in a blur of nights, over months of toiling away as it flowed …

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A Flickering Light Called Fate : A Poetic Verse of Reflection on a Relationship.

I have just finished a small book of poetry writing with Iho Grace, whose poetic tones matched my own. The book is a reflection on my relationship of two years which ended in January of this year. My muse, my former paramour, Inge Laan. The book is called A Flickering light Called Fate, and it’s written in three parts. Rhapsody, Reconcile, and Rekindle. It’s the first …

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The choice to write about the content I do means?

Reading Under an Ionized Sky – From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown, by Elana Freeland today has been informative, but also incredibly difficult for me. I got a call today from my mother about forty pages into the book, and my mother whose skeptical asked ‘who wrote it?’ I’m used to be called a fruitcake or a space cadet for how I look …

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Imagination as my Sanctuary

I resorted to imagination during my childhood as a means to find joy in the chaos of my family life and the molestation I experienced. I was a fanatical reader as a child, from Dickens to Bronte, Verne to Edgar Rice Burroughs I sought refuge in the fantastical, the supernatural and science fiction. When I …

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I hear you LOUD and clear PART Five

With the advent of the processes and the people in place that would make up the integral publishing structure of Oho Ake Books Limited, the creative direction began to formulate in my mind. With this assimilation, information began to make itself known to me clearly and precisely. Whether you could call it clairaudience or claircognizance …

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Tales of the Tormented : Part Three

My body paced throughout the house that late afternoon. No one was home as it stormed through the bedrooms, revolt spilling from my pores and infecting the environment like a pungent stench. Scott eventually came back home and when he did I walked towards him and in a moment of overpowering I bleated out on …

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