Starseeds. Beware the Divergent Deception. False Light is Here. Your Heart is Your Compass. Follow it.

When the pressure of my childhood trauma had compounded in my late adolescence, I was subject to a spiritual awakening that reintroduced me to levels of existence that had vanished when life became about survival. My conscious awareness began to allocate an acceptance that there were no limits to my imagination and that a myopic …

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Contactee, Consciously Creative, Visionary. My Spiritual Awakening That Lead me to Write. Part One : Annette Lion and Atlantis.

I watched the latest episode of Ancient Aliens tonight and had a laughed as it started. The episode was labelled, The Harmonic Code. I consider this show purely entertainment, it often stretches out into enormous speculation without any reference to civilisations that have been on this planet from Atlantis stretching back into the depths of …

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Cognitive dissonance : Introducing Horacio Bifkin, Mexican madman.

During solitary confinement, what was the global smackdown, that has played itself out during the plandemic I had some friends who were buying into the fear portrayed in the media in ways that were crippling their sense of being. So, I decided to make the most of this strange and ridiculous situation and began to send Whatsapp messages to these …

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Oho Ake, Rise Up, Awaken… NOW

The system of planetary control has become overt. What is being played out on a global stage is a fake plandemic, but the consequences felt by the populace are real. The term lockdown in the prison vernacular, is an experience where all prisoners are confined to their cells after a disturbance in the facility. This …

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