The Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni. A Later Date Temple Beautiful? Or A Slaughterhouse?

The other night I was watching one of my favourite comedy shows, Ancient Aliens, where the presenters chock up all kinds of terrestrial occurrences to off-world civilisations, some ridiculous, others completely ridiculous. They never mention the high civilisations that existed in previous epochs or ages, the most familiar to most people being Atlantis and Lemuria, nor …

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The Lion’s Gate Portal. A Stellar Opportunity to Connect with Sirius? Or a Load of New Age Bollocks? You Decide. Part Two: Dark Blood Rituals. Mark the Dates.

In the mid-1990s, I was moving between Dunedin to the Tasman Valley to work, and in the late summer of 1995, I met someone who would become a mentor to me during the initial phases of my spiritual awakening. James Smith’s greatest gift to me was his sense of humour. This beautiful Maori man was …

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Transmutation Through Creative Expression. How I Became the Men in All my Novels. Healing The Shadow by Writing About my Ancestral Wounds. Part Two.

As the unravelling of Entwined had almost come to its bittersweet ending I brought Pablo Wairua into the fold. This young mestizo (I don’t consider that terminology as derogative) man was the embodiment of the traditional Pacific cultures coursing through my veins. My father’s father’s mother was Taranaki Maori and my father’s mother was Samoan, …

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