Eckhart Tolle and I. My Experience of Three Evenings At Eckhart’s Apartment in Vancouver 2001.

Vancouver was a passage in my conscious awakening journey that had enormous rises and dips. On a graph, it would have looked like a rollercoaster ride that would scared me senseless. My highs were Everest high and my lows were Mariana trench in depth. My addictions coupled with the popularity that I had in mid-2001-2002 …

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Transmutation Through Creative Expression. How I Became the Men in All my Novels. Healing The Shadow by Writing About my Ancestral Wounds. Part Two.

As the unravelling of Entwined had almost come to its bittersweet ending I brought Pablo Wairua into the fold. This young mestizo (I don’t consider that terminology as derogative) man was the embodiment of the traditional Pacific cultures coursing through my veins. My father’s father’s mother was Taranaki Maori and my father’s mother was Samoan, …

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Transmutation Through Creative Expression. How I Became the Men in All my Novels. Healing The Shadow by Writing About my Ancestral Wounds. Part one.

One of the most hilarious aspects of my conscious awakening has been the experience of understanding that the male characters in my novels Sanctum, Entwined and United are all aspects of my consciousness being expressed across the multiverse. My writing process I imagine is not unique, many writers channel their consciousness existing across the lines …

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Contactee, Consciously Creative, Visionary. My Spiritual Awakening That Lead me to Write. Part Four: Redgate Beach and Interdimensionals beings.

At the beginning of 1998, I had travelled across the Australian continent (hitchhiking) and made my way down to Esperance. From here I met a girl from Queensland called Cynthia who I would travel and become lovers with for three weeks around southwestern Australia. We weaved inland and back out to the coast until one …

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Holding the Space to Let the Story Unspool in Your Heart and Mind. The Art of Being in the Void.

In my writing process, I will often take nights, days, and weeks away from a narrative of a novel so it can formulate for me. Holding down a very physical day job means that I’m reluctant to come home and write at night. I wrote Sanctum (2nd edition) in a blur of nights, over months of toiling away as it flowed …

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A Flickering Light Called Fate : A Poetic Verse of Reflection on a Relationship.

I have just finished a small book of poetry writing with Iho Grace, whose poetic tones matched my own. The book is a reflection on my relationship of two years which ended in January of this year. My muse, my former paramour, Inge Laan. The book is called A Flickering light Called Fate, and it’s written in three parts. Rhapsody, Reconcile, and Rekindle. It’s the first …

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Putting a Name to the Ability.

I have always had a strong sense of CLAIRCOGNIZANCE or Intuitive knowing. I didn’t really understand this form of mystical intuitive ability till I took the Gigi Young courses that introduce you to the various forms of psychic intelligence that one can re-ignite in their lives. All clairs (which is French for clear) are latent …

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Warrior with a Poetic Heart, Shining a Light, Facing the Dark.

Setting very strong boundaries has been an issue for me my entire life experience in this body. I grew up in a home where violence was a daily occurrence. My father was verbally and physically abusive, his raging anger and alcoholism had a better marriage than both his other two marital contracts ever did. As a consequence of this, …

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Oho Ake, Rise Up, Awaken… NOW

The system of planetary control has become overt. What is being played out on a global stage is a fake plandemic, but the consequences felt by the populace are real. The term lockdown in the prison vernacular, is an experience where all prisoners are confined to their cells after a disturbance in the facility. This …

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