Irrefutable… The Dance Called Dwarka Addendum.

The being that Iho Grace is writing the book of poetry called, A Dance Called Dwarka for has been absent from my life experience for around six weeks. I ventured into the memory of that life more than once in that time to recollect the sensations, the feelings, and awe that the Mauritian merchant felt when he saw the being from a watery world in …

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Markus. A long way from Lyra, United’s other Immortal Hero.

 Markus, is a character from the Harmon Sueno novel, United, who came to me when I heard about the Pentecostal snake handlers in the Appalachian mountains quoting this verse from the Gospel of Mark,  Mark 16:17–18 ‘17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick …

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Anchoring In, Dropping Down, Grounding in Nature.

During the global smackdown, I have felt the call away from the hustle and bustle of the technological, residential, cultural mayhem of the city. I’m fortunate enough to live in a city that has nature coursing through it like veins of a great heart, one carved up until its parts remain in the highest and most inhospitable locales …

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Researching Leads to Understanding. Choices Come Next.

Part of my writing process is in-depth research. Deepening on whose writing through me, what I’m writing, whether its poetry, a horror/macabre/erotic dark fantasy short story, an inspiring, heartfelt emotive tale or a conglomeration of occult knowledge, science fiction, fantasy, conscious awakening, galactic magical realism, I’ll have to spend hours reading, discovering, and downloading into my being a plethora of facts to compile a book. It’s perhaps the …

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A Flickering Light Called Fate : A Poetic Verse of Reflection on a Relationship.

I have just finished a small book of poetry writing with Iho Grace, whose poetic tones matched my own. The book is a reflection on my relationship of two years which ended in January of this year. My muse, my former paramour, Inge Laan. The book is called A Flickering light Called Fate, and it’s written in three parts. Rhapsody, Reconcile, and Rekindle. It’s the first …

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Inspirations: Clive Barker

I only have one true literary inspiration. That is Clive Barker. I hungrily devoured his imaginative fiction with a ravenous appetite, and my understanding of how prose and poetry could be amalgamated began to take shape. I was stunned at his use of language, often writing down words that I had never seen written, nor heard spoken …

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Lifting my head above the parapet

When I began writing in 2008, the message was clear; let the information, the stories, the characters be the public faces of Oho Ake Books, you (that’s me) stay behind the curtain and dish up the material, spin the narrative and just enjoy the unfolding wonder. Yeah, that worked well… In the years preceding the …

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Awakening to truth through imagination

In my childhood, I had many experiences that could be perceived as supernatural or paranormal. What was defined as ‘real’ was a matter of conjecture, and for me, the last word on what was simply an active imagination or an aspect of heightened sensory awareness came from the mouths of my caregivers. I grew up with visitations from parasitic …

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Lifting the Veil

There was never any question about what I was going to write about. It was just a question about how the information presented in my books would illuminate the reader into a deeper understanding of all possibilities. The feeling that I was in the world, but didn’t belong to it, was an invitation to experience …

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