Fear is The Narrative to Keep The Global Population Primed to Maintain the Simulation Walls.

A while ago, due to the nature of developing my psychic abilities by healing all that is hidden in my shadow, I had a download that integrated the knowledge that fear was not only the energetic sustenance of lower astral entities and some bottom-feeding interdimensional beings but was also the metaphoric bricks and mortar of …

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The DNA harvest continues with the PCR test. Surveillance? Medical? Or Targeted Biological Weapons?

Claire Bernish from Activist Post reported on 15 September 2016 that the Police were Police across the USA were stopping innocent people and collecting their DNA. This was a violation of the Bill of the Rights, the Fourth Amendment to be precise, that being to recognise and acknowledge an individual’s God-given right to be secure …

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Lockdowns. Straight out the Davos Technocrats ‘Great reset’ Playbook. China, the Blueprint.

2020 was the first time in known history that the healthy global populace was imprisoned in their homes, forced to obey the machinations of state-enforced by the police and the army in some countries. Humanity allowed to exercise (this had its parameters in some countries from not being able to leave their properties to be …

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The Covid-19 Injection Rush. Transhumanism and Execution.

The race is on to make a vaccine for what proves to be a flu-like virus with an infection to fatality rate similar to the flu. Why? The amount of recovered people in my country of birth who have been claimed to be infected is between 95-97%. So why the complete and utter nonsense of 180 vaccines …

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I’m Living in a Twilight Zone Episode. Rod Serling, Mind Getting Me Out?

When this ‘global manufactured crisis’ was played out on an unconscious and acquiescing human populace the first feeling that ran through my CPU and then my body was anger. I was utterly pissed that the public would fall for a fake, manufactured illness that has swept over the globe killing millions. The jury’s not out for me, …

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Cognitive dissonance : Introducing Horacio Bifkin, Mexican madman.

During solitary confinement, what was the global smackdown, that has played itself out during the plandemic I had some friends who were buying into the fear portrayed in the media in ways that were crippling their sense of being. So, I decided to make the most of this strange and ridiculous situation and began to send Whatsapp messages to these …

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Putting a Name to the Ability.

I have always had a strong sense of CLAIRCOGNIZANCE or Intuitive knowing. I didn’t really understand this form of mystical intuitive ability till I took the Gigi Young courses that introduce you to the various forms of psychic intelligence that one can re-ignite in their lives. All clairs (which is French for clear) are latent …

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