Has Arihman Incarnated? Rudolf Steiner’s Prediction Come True? Meet Professor Yuval Noah Harari.

The Austrian scholar and mystic Rudolf Steiner in the early 20th century brought through his Anthroposophical teachings many predictions that have become reality one hundred years later. One of Steiner’s most telling predictions was the incarnation of the entity he named Ahriman. In Zoroastrianism and Zorvanism, two early Persian religions, Ahriman is the twin brother of …

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The Internet, CERN, Arihman, Steiner and AI. We Were Warned.

Not long ago I began to have cognizant moments that kicked off a whole bunch of synchronistic truths for me. In 2019, I heard the musings of a darkly sardonic and hunourous voice in my head, that being one Dick Swabb, a part of my multidimensional existence. I began to fuse together information provided in Dr.Joseph …

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Did CERN’s Large Hadron Collider begin the overlay of the Eighth Sphere on our reality in 2012?

The Austrian scholar, mystic, and genius Rudolf Steiner, who was the German head of the Theosophy Society before creating Anthroposophy revealed in great detail the nature of one of the mystery schools best-kept secrets, The Eighth Sphere. The translations from german into English are detailed and thorough, and reading them is like deciphering a code …

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Galactic Saviours and Ascended Masters. Psyops on Humanity. Only You can Save you from what’s Coming.

When Helena Petrovna Hahn or Helena Blavatsky published Isis Unveiled in 1877 the occult world was exposed to society, and its covert machinations became an open secret. It was her meeting with Mahatma (a Sanskrit word meaning ‘great soul’, which took the title ascended master) Koot Hoomi or Kuthumi and his letters to A. P. Sinnett and …

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Researching Leads to Understanding. Choices Come Next.

Part of my writing process is in-depth research. Deepening on whose writing through me, what I’m writing, whether its poetry, a horror/macabre/erotic dark fantasy short story, an inspiring, heartfelt emotive tale or a conglomeration of occult knowledge, science fiction, fantasy, conscious awakening, galactic magical realism, I’ll have to spend hours reading, discovering, and downloading into my being a plethora of facts to compile a book. It’s perhaps the …

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Imagination as my Sanctuary

I resorted to imagination during my childhood as a means to find joy in the chaos of my family life and the molestation I experienced. I was a fanatical reader as a child, from Dickens to Bronte, Verne to Edgar Rice Burroughs I sought refuge in the fantastical, the supernatural and science fiction. When I …

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