2025. It’s The End of the World as We Know it and I Feel Fine. The Work of David DuByne. Adapt 2030.

I had never heard of David Dubyne until my friend Bryce sent me the bitchute clip of Dubyne from 2019 where he did a presentation explaining the reason why he began to look into the galactic cycles of our solar system, and the movement of Birkeland currents throughout the solar system, galaxy and beyond when …

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Plasma. Everything is Alive. The Science of Consciousness.

Not long ago I watched a video where the Astrologer Pam Gregory interviewed Professor Robert Temple about his book, A New Science of Heaven. The book is about Plasma, its discovery, what it is, and then goes on to explain how not only is the entire visible universe made up of it, he denotes that it is most …

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