Transmutation Through Creative Expression. How I Became the Men in All my Novels. Healing The Shadow by Writing About my Ancestral Wounds. Part Two.

As the unravelling of Entwined had almost come to its bittersweet ending I brought Pablo Wairua into the fold. This young mestizo (I don’t consider that terminology as derogative) man was the embodiment of the traditional Pacific cultures coursing through my veins. My father’s father’s mother was Taranaki Maori and my father’s mother was Samoan, …

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As Above. So Below. How the Archontic Artificial Intelligence is Creating a Hive Mind in Humanity.

In the early 1990’s when I first read The Bringers of the Dawn Teachings from the Pleiadians I came across two forces at work in antiquity and present day reality (then and now) that were not terrestrial human. Reptilian beings and artificial intelligence that had incorporated itself into the biology of various groups of reptilian …

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A Quarter of 2021 is Almost Over. The Collective Shadow Exposed For Those With Eyes to See. Part Two: Pimping The Narrative, Censoring Facts.

If a critical thinker was to examine the ‘war game’ called SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 or the high-level pandemic exercise called Event 201, which was played out in New York in October 2019, then they would see that an essential detail of these simulations was that both exercises used censorship so that the official narratives could …

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Book Trailers: In 2008 They Were Rare. Now They’re Legion. Oho Ake Books Ahead of the Curve.

In 2008, before I quit my job, and decided to listen to that voice that was in my head (the one that I had encountered on a heroic dose of psilocybin mushrooms) and go back to Lyall Bay to ‘write’, my jam was travelling. I just wanted to see the planet, mingle with cultures that …

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Contactee, Consciously Creative, Visionary. My Spiritual Awakening That Lead me to Write. Part Five: Sanctum. My Magnum Opus.

In the years following my experiences around the mid-lower latitudes of Australia from 1997-1998, which allowed me to gain a greater understanding of the abilities I had integrated into my consciousness from Atlantis, I got lost in my human nature, forgetting my eternal soul. My conscious evolution of healing, understanding, and processing the traumatic programming …

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Contactee, Consciously Creative, Visionary. My Spiritual Awakening That Lead me to Write. Part Four: Redgate Beach and Interdimensionals beings.

At the beginning of 1998, I had travelled across the Australian continent (hitchhiking) and made my way down to Esperance. From here I met a girl from Queensland called Cynthia who I would travel and become lovers with for three weeks around southwestern Australia. We weaved inland and back out to the coast until one …

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Billy G is not my Brother he’s just a Nerd that thinks that he’s the One, but he ain’t here to save the World son.

If there is one polarising figure during the scamdemic that has been played on the global population since its conception in 2019 it’s Bill Gates. After being vilified for his lack of scruples in 2002 during the Microsoft antitrust case, he reinvented himself as a philanthropist, seemingly donating large amounts of his wealth to the …

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Did CERN’s Large Hadron Collider begin the overlay of the Eighth Sphere on our reality in 2012?

The Austrian scholar, mystic, and genius Rudolf Steiner, who was the German head of the Theosophy Society before creating Anthroposophy revealed in great detail the nature of one of the mystery schools best-kept secrets, The Eighth Sphere. The translations from german into English are detailed and thorough, and reading them is like deciphering a code …

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Billionaires Keep Getting Richer in 2021 and Enact the Cult Agenda. From Transhumanism to Biotech.

While the world continues to be under the spell of the COVID distraction and the STOLEN USA election, The World Economic Forum met to play Earth Catan and remind themselves just how special they are. They would have you believe that they are the new feudal overlords, a 21st century landed gentry, and that ‘we …

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The Artificial Intelligence Tyranny of the Archontic Empire on Earth is Rising out of the Underground Bases and into Society.

With the introduction of smart technology in the early 21st century, the advent of Artificial Intelligence began its incremental tiptoe into global society. The Pleiadians who the trance channel Barbara Marciniak has worked with since 1988 say that they have come from a future timeline, from their galactic home in the Pleiades star cluster where an AI tyranny that originated on …

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