CERN. The Cosmological Cartel Hiding in Plain Sight. Nazi International Has Spawned a New Arms Race.

On March 15, 2021, I wrote a blog titled, Did CERN’s Large Hadron Collider begin the overlay of the Eighth Sphere on our reality in 2012? In that blog post, I questioned if the CERN large hadron collider had started the overlay of the Eighth Sphere (a secret mystery school teaching) on our dimension. Allowing for consciousness could be …

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The Fake Alien Invasion Threat. The Next Card in Control Systems Deck.

On 6/9/2020 I wrote a blog post called Asteroid Strike or Fake Alien Invasion 2020? in which I detailed how Paperclip Nazi scientist Werner Von Braun, the head of the Apollo program that took the Americans to the moon had told Carol Rosin about a four tenet lie towards weaponising space. The final stage of …

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The Sabbatean-Frankist Cult Running The World is Experimenting on Israel’s Population. Medical Apartheid and Nazi Germany Merge.

To understand the ruling force behind the curtain, often hiding behind labels such as being Jewish (when they loathe those who follow the Talmud and want to destroy them) you have to look deeply into the historical context of the importance of Jacob Frank and the Sabbatean-Frankist cult that has infiltrated all major religions arising …

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The Human Family Under Siege. Surviving the Covid-19 Inoculation A Game of Risk. Roll the Dice.

Since the rollout of the COVID-19 experimental vaccines (Pfizer’s vaccine for example doesn’t finish its clinical trials till 2023) on an uninformed and often petrified global population the list of adverse reactions has skyrocketed (those that have been reported that is). The U.K. Yellow Card vaccine reporting scheme, which is the British equivalent to the American Centers …

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Reptilians. Saurian InterDimensionals. Hiding in Plain Sight.

In the mid 1990’s while living in the Tasman region of Te Wai Ponamu, The South Island of Aotearoa/New Zealand I had some of the most formative and mind-expanding experiences that would allow me to have a greater understanding of the nature of reality. So much of existence remains unseen, not decoded by the human …

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The PCR test. Amplification of DNA in Order to find a Virus?

I was going to write about the Orwellian track and trace application and the tip-toe/psychological priming of the global populace into the corral of complete surveillance that is coming if we don’t stop it, but instead, this came onto my radar. Kary Mullis was a Nobel Laureate in Chemistry who won the prize in 1993 …

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Sweden. Stand tall. Prepare for Seasonal Influenza not Covid-19.

What happened to seasonal influenza in the winter of the southern hemisphere? If you look at the mainstream media and the technocrats who are peddled out by vacuous elected civil servants it didn’t exist. Social distancing and good hygiene stopped the spreading of the strains of influenza prevalent during the southern hemisphere’s winter. Yet according …

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Her Imperial Majesty, the Winged Albino Draco Queen.

I’m no authority on the culture of the Draconis Empire (or more importantly the faction that is imbued under the sway of the Archontic matrix of Artificial Intelligence), but Harmon Sueno’s novels, Sanctum, Entwined and United all have her presence in their pages. What information I researched (and there was little, even more so over the last few years as what was available vanished …

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Researching Leads to Understanding. Choices Come Next.

Part of my writing process is in-depth research. Deepening on whose writing through me, what I’m writing, whether its poetry, a horror/macabre/erotic dark fantasy short story, an inspiring, heartfelt emotive tale or a conglomeration of occult knowledge, science fiction, fantasy, conscious awakening, galactic magical realism, I’ll have to spend hours reading, discovering, and downloading into my being a plethora of facts to compile a book. It’s perhaps the …

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Putting a Name to the Ability.

I have always had a strong sense of CLAIRCOGNIZANCE or Intuitive knowing. I didn’t really understand this form of mystical intuitive ability till I took the Gigi Young courses that introduce you to the various forms of psychic intelligence that one can re-ignite in their lives. All clairs (which is French for clear) are latent …

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