The Lion’s Gate Portal. A Stellar Opportunity to Connect with Sirius? Or a Load of New Age Bollocks? You Decide. Part one: Astronomy and Freemasons.

Not long ago, I wrote a blog about the New Age being another cul-de-sac for consciousness called, Galactic Saviours and Ascended Masters. Psyops on Humanity. Only You can Save you from what’s Coming, in which I made it clear that if it smells like shit, it generally is. There are a load more places where consciousness …

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Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and Moderna vaccinations. Injuries and Death Tolls Begin to add up Globally. Whose Responsible?

With the rollout of the Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, and Moderna vaccines throughout the Northern Hemisphere countries, the statistics are beginning to come in about the sheer lunacy of implementing the vaccination programme on a complacent and submissive, clueless, and fearful population. In the USA, The Defender, highlighted that the CDC as of January 29, 2021, …

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Galactic Saviours and Ascended Masters. Psyops on Humanity. Only You can Save you from what’s Coming.

When Helena Petrovna Hahn or Helena Blavatsky published Isis Unveiled in 1877 the occult world was exposed to society, and its covert machinations became an open secret. It was her meeting with Mahatma (a Sanskrit word meaning ‘great soul’, which took the title ascended master) Koot Hoomi or Kuthumi and his letters to A. P. Sinnett and …

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Putting a Name to the Ability.

I have always had a strong sense of CLAIRCOGNIZANCE or Intuitive knowing. I didn’t really understand this form of mystical intuitive ability till I took the Gigi Young courses that introduce you to the various forms of psychic intelligence that one can re-ignite in their lives. All clairs (which is French for clear) are latent …

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Book Trailers : Where Visual Media and Literary Synopsises Merge.

In 2008 I was told by spirit to make book trailers when such forms of media and marketing were non-existent, or in their fledgling status. The concept of visualising a book synopsis felt more like creating a showreel for feature films or television series. With the help of Preston McNeil at Executive Beige and sound engineer James Jackson, I conceptualised, created, produced, directed, …

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