Letting Go in Order for Consciousness to Rise. Choose Between Love and Fear. Transhumanism and Organic Life.

Over the last year, I have spent countless hours exposing the official narrative of the health crisis and shown its ties to the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and UN Agenda 21/2030. Cognitive Dissonance is at a historical high for many people even in the face of some of the world’s leading virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, …

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The Health Crisis That Isn’t. Global Socialism Via a Police State and Narrative Control Implantable Technology. Welcome to UN Agenda 2030. The Great Reset.

On February 14th, 2021 Peter Hitchens wrote an opinion piece for The Daily Mail online titled, We DID have a sensible Covid plan… but copied a police state instead. Hitchens has been a voice of reason in the mainstream media of the UK, which has like many European countries become fascist. Hitchens is more succinct …

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A Quarter of 2021 is Almost Over. The Collective Shadow Exposed For Those With Eyes to See. Part Three: Distraction and Deception.

On the 15th of January, 2021 Science.News published an article that should have been reported in every mainstream and alternative news media globally. The title of this article was sobering, STUDY: Long term mask use breeds microbes that infiltrate the lungs and contribute to advanced stage lung cancer. The article reported: A new study finds …

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Voices For Freedom. Aotearoa / New Zealand’s Freedom Keepers Against Jacinda Ardern’s Led Tyranny.

In the country of my birth unlike many countries in the Northern Hemisphere, especially Europe, we have a lifestyle that resembles life before the global health crisis (there is no health crisis, its’s FAKE) of 2020 happened. Many would say that the extreme measures our country took, locking down the borders, locking up the populace …

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A Quarter of 2021 is Almost Over. The Collective Soul Exposed For Those With Eyes to See. Part Two: True Leaders and Whistleblowers Unite.

Continuing with this blog series about the first quarter of 2021, let’s flip the coin and further our expose of the soul of humanity, where compassion, empathy, and truth reign over the rigidity of control, manipulation, and fear. On March 30th, an article was published in nbcmiami.com reporting that the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis would pass …

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The Sabbatean-Frankist Cult Running The World is Experimenting on Israel’s Population. Medical Apartheid and Nazi Germany Merge.

To understand the ruling force behind the curtain, often hiding behind labels such as being Jewish (when they loathe those who follow the Talmud and want to destroy them) you have to look deeply into the historical context of the importance of Jacob Frank and the Sabbatean-Frankist cult that has infiltrated all major religions arising …

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The Human Family Under Siege. Surviving the Covid-19 Inoculation A Game of Risk. Roll the Dice.

Since the rollout of the COVID-19 experimental vaccines (Pfizer’s vaccine for example doesn’t finish its clinical trials till 2023) on an uninformed and often petrified global population the list of adverse reactions has skyrocketed (those that have been reported that is). The U.K. Yellow Card vaccine reporting scheme, which is the British equivalent to the American Centers …

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Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and Moderna vaccinations. Injuries and Death Tolls Begin to add up Globally. Whose Responsible?

With the rollout of the Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, and Moderna vaccines throughout the Northern Hemisphere countries, the statistics are beginning to come in about the sheer lunacy of implementing the vaccination programme on a complacent and submissive, clueless, and fearful population. In the USA, The Defender, highlighted that the CDC as of January 29, 2021, …

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