When a Fake Health Crisis Becomes a Fake Climate Crisis. Tyranny is the End Game. The Lies are Transparent.

With the health crisis having seduced many of the global population into a state of complete cognitive dissonance, the psychological operation on them is about to be ramped up once again. Fear is the currency of control, and an already acquiescent and apathetic populace has surrendered their power to bought out governments so they can …

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The Lion’s Gate Portal. A Stellar Opportunity to Connect with Sirius? Or a Load of New Age Bollocks? You Decide. Part Two: Dark Blood Rituals. Mark the Dates.

In the mid-1990s, I was moving between Dunedin to the Tasman Valley to work, and in the late summer of 1995, I met someone who would become a mentor to me during the initial phases of my spiritual awakening. James Smith’s greatest gift to me was his sense of humour. This beautiful Maori man was …

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Claiming Your Perception Back From Mainstream Everything. Revolution Begins With You.

In 2020 the first machinations towards communist Chinese style censorship rippled across the internet. It was met with mainstream everything parroting a narrative that made its job of engaging the amygdala to go into overdrive. The manufactured health crisis has several means to ends, depopulation, transhumanism, creating a hunger games society, and increasing the levels …

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Letting Go in Order for Consciousness to Rise. Choose Between Love and Fear. Transhumanism and Organic Life.

Over the last year, I have spent countless hours exposing the official narrative of the health crisis and shown its ties to the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and UN Agenda 21/2030. Cognitive Dissonance is at a historical high for many people even in the face of some of the world’s leading virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, …

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