In 2008 I was told by spirit to make book trailers when such forms of media and marketing were non-existent, or in their fledgling status. The concept of visualising a book synopsis felt more like creating a showreel for feature films or television series. With the help of Preston McNeil at Executive Beige and sound engineer James Jackson, I conceptualised, created, produced, directed, and did the voiceover work. It was a revolutionary act at the time, and those who watched the trailer were blown away by the concept, the animation, the production, and the sound production of the book trailer for the novel, Entwined.
The process continued with other books that I wrote, evolving, changing, transforming, becoming more personal for the four collections of short stories I had written up until 2018. With the novel, Sanctum, I had two incarnations of this trailer, initially, a more personal trailer produced, filmed, and edited by Michael Reynolds at Hippy Parents, then reformatting the trailer when I did my re-edits on all the books in 2017. The new trailer I did with Sean Woollgar at SWV Production was more animated, contextually lyrical, and visual. United, is my opus. Preston McNeil/Sean Woollgar and I expanded our budget and made a masterpiece in this form of media. I haven’t seen a book trailer that comes close to the stylistic beauty, power, and wonder of this book trailer. It’s magnificent and I was fortunate to have the chance to work with such talented and creative people. The last trailer I did for All Roads Lead to Parihaka, was inspired by a friend, Tabaash, who asked me to come out from behind the terminal and show the world who was the creative force behind Oho Ake Books. It was a HUGE step for me. I didn’t start this creative endeavour to be acknowledged, I did it because it burned from my soul, I did it because it was my life purpose. The videography, sound production, and directed by Sean Woollgar, was exemplary, its simplicity and beauty rightfully welcoming the visitor to my website with an image of me, on the swing bridge at the base Wairarapa base of the Tararua Ranges.
The book trailer I feel in this technological age is an asset, an art form, and a compliment to a book. For what I write about it’s also a showcase for television and film to see, enticing producers, studio executives, screenwriters, directors, and creatives to delve deeper, buy one, or all of my books, read them, and then go to the next level. All of my books are written to be made into graphic novels and then for television or film. What better way for an author, established or unknown to showcase their creative talent to the world?